Three (too) curious things your dog does and maybe you didn’t know: these are the explanations

by time news

2023-07-07 20:11:36

Trying to catch their own tail, sniffing other dogs’ butts or licking their paws for hours are just some of the curious behaviors of dogs that sometimes make their humans wonder what these behaviors are obeying.

Some of these seemingly unusual behaviors have to do with evolution, while others may point to mental or health disorders.

Three (too) curious things your dog does and maybe you didn’t know: these are the explanations

Basically it is like this: when we contemplate the behavior of an animal, it is always important to know the normal behavior of that species, says the veterinarian Ronald Lindner.

It happens that the human being perceives some behaviors as unwanted or as a behavior problem, “when in reality the true behavioral disorders and pathological modifications are often overlooked or not recognized”, indicates the also author of the book What dogs really want.

Dogs can eat grass simply because they like it, as a snack on the go. But they also do it when they feel an upset stomach, to vomit. (dpa)

First, it may just be normal play behavior, especially in puppies. Young dogs get to know themselves and their bodies and discover that they also have a tail. And that it can also be caught.

However, later this behavior could also be a stress compensation or an expression of appeasement behavior. And what may be pleasant in a puppy can later develop into a severe conduct disorder.

Because puppies experience positive feedback when people observe such behavior and laugh. Therefore, they repeat it when they are frustrated or expectant. This habit can lead to an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Therefore, their humans must react early to when the animal hunts its tail. Orders like “no” or “leave it” are not the most appropriate in this case, because these instructions can be misinterpreted by the dog and even have a reinforcing effect on that behavior.

It is best to ignore the dog and leave the room. In case the dog follows the person, it can be made to sit down and rewarded for that, so that it forgets the previous behavior.

This is basically the same as tail biting. At first people may find it cute when their dogs dig a tunnel on the beach or chew their paws a bit while watching TV at night.

But that behavior is poorly reinforced by humans, because dogs receive confirmation as they receive attention, and therefore do it more frequently.

It is extremely important that the person interrupt you. Otherwise, the dog will end up falling into addictive behavior and will no longer be able to stop it.

It does not matter if it is excessive digging or biting the legs all the time until they bleed. Instead of challenging or punishing, you have to gently remove him from that mania and calm him down.

It is necessary to differentiate if the dog is bored when he begins to put this behavior into practice, if he is frustrated or afraid and if he cannot solve his own insecurity. The medical reasons should also be clarified. Licking their paws for hours can be a sign of pain or itching from an allergy.

There are breeds that develop specific obsessive behaviors. While Dobermans tend to lick excessively, Bull Terriers have a tendency to chase their own tail.

Dogs often spin around on their own axis before settling down to rest. (dpa) Rotate around its own axis

Dog owners know this behavior well. The dog must first rotate around its axis, before dropping onto its own cushion.

It is just a comfort behavior. Dogs make their beds this way, and those in pain tend to do it especially intensely.

There are several theories as to why they also have to turn when they relieve themselves. They range from trampling the grass to the north-south magnetic axis with which the dogs align.

After a first study in 2013, which caused quite a stir, a study in 2022 found that dogs may not mind the magnetic field when pooping.

It is estimated that the turn serves to better accommodate the space. The main purpose of dogs digging afterward with their hind legs is mainly to spread their own scent and widen the marking area.

In addition, they also have pheromone glands on their foot pads and spread additional molecules as they burrow, to fix their scent markings.

#curious #dog #didnt #explanations

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