Three water iron removal stations will be built this year in the Pruzhany district

by time news

The construction program for this year includes the village of Bakuny, the agricultural towns of Shcherchevo and Lyskovo. The work will be financed at the expense of the republican and regional budgets. It is planned to allocate about 1.2 million rubles for the construction of these facilities.

“The need for construction is argued very simply – the excess of iron content in water in these settlements. There are no deironing stations there yet,” said Sergey Bobruk. He noted that the norm of iron concentration in water is 0.3 mg/l. In the Pruzhany region, the indicators vary. In some places it can be 0.5 mg / l, somewhere 1 mg / l.

The design and estimate documentation for the new deironing stations was developed last year. Construction is expected to begin in the second quarter. According to preliminary information, the first in the list of the start of work is the agricultural town of Shcherchevo. Also this year, it is planned to drill a new artesian well in the village of Lososin, and to build a water tower in the agricultural town of Sheni.

By the way, last year two iron removal stations were built in the Pruzhany district. The possibility is being worked out in 2024 to build such facilities in the agricultural town of Rovbitsk and the village of Zinovichi.

In general, in the Brest region in 2023 it is planned to build 33 iron removal stations, work will be carried out in all districts. In some cases, together with them, specialists will lay water supply networks, build wells and water towers.

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