Three years after the oil spill began in the sea: the understandings were reached

by time news

The corroding tanker has been lying off the coast of Yemen since 1986 after it was purchased by the Yemen Gas and Oil Company in order to store oil for the country. In 2015, with the outbreak of the civil war in Yemen, the Houthi rebels took over the place and neglected its care. During 2020, the leak began and, as mentioned, to this day, it has not been treated.

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The task of treating the serious leak includes two significant routes. The first – installing a long-term replacement capacity for the tanker, one that would prevent a leak as a result of the dilapidated condition of the worn-out vessel. The second – an emergency operation by a global maritime rescue company to eliminate the immediate danger of a leak, by transferring the tanker’s oil to a secure vessel.

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Now after two months of diplomatic efforts the treatment plan will be implemented soon. At the same time, the UN’s fundraising efforts have also picked up speed. So far, $68 million has been raised for the program. Of all that, $150,000 was raised in the UN’s social media crowdfunding campaign.

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