Throne Day: Peruvian Congress adopts motion of recognition for the work and leadership of HM the King
Lima – The Congress of the Republic of Peru joined the celebration of the Throne Day through the adoption of a “Motion of Salute” in recognition of the work and leadership of HM King Mohammed VI.
In this Motion, the Peruvian Congress expresses “special recognition” for the action undertaken by the Sovereign in favor of strengthening the institutions of the State in Morocco, which has become an “influential actor on the international scene.”
The Peruvian Congress also wishes to highlight the ambitious reforms initiated under the leadership of the Sovereign in recent years, which has allowed Morocco to become a strategic ally for Peru and for all the countries of the Latin American region.
The Motion also highlights the achievements made under the reign of HM the King, in particular the numerous development projects and reforms carried out in the political, economic and social fields.
Finally, the Congress presents its sincere congratulations to the Kingdom of Morocco on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the accession of HM the King to the Throne.
2024-08-13 11:47:38