Thus the Corona ceased to be a great news story

by time news

Vaccines against corona (Magma Images photo)

The corona returns, having never disappeared. how is it possible? Well, that’s how it is communication – it has the power to hide what is there, and that is even at best, because sometimes it has the power to present what is not. However, the corona has been a great tool in recent years by editors of editions: useful in times of drought, and on the other hand, gives way when there is a load in other headlines. How to say, at the media level, corona is a disease that is easy for humans.

We are now reporting an increase in coronary heart disease in Israel. The information is tested, and substantiated, but is not presented as a drama. When exactly did the corona become a routine occurrence? Somewhere on the timeline it happened under the noses of all of us, and maybe even it happened in the shoulder area. Did the vaccines take the sting out of the drama? It seems that the history of the historical corona will one day be told through the media coverage: the day when the great event of mankind, became a mediocre headline.

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The vaccines curb the corona, and probably the drama around it as well. No editor imagines shouting Gueld today: what only about a year ago was perceived as a slight degree of corona denial, is now becoming the norm – the existence of the corona is not ignored, but significant reference is avoided. Okay, yeah, there are patients, and he’s on the momentum of an increase, but no one will now demand a title on the matter. It is considered a waste of media ammunition on such days to refer to the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister questions about Corona. Suddenly, with all due respect to the dilemma of whether to continue removing masks even in enclosed spaces, there is a coalition masquerade here.

It can be assumed that the Corona is following in the footsteps of other items that have fallen from their media greatness. They still exist, but their volume has been lowered to the level of background, accompaniment. For example, Iran. For example, the Netanyahu trial. For example, Fridays on the Temple Mount. For example, Roman Zadorov. Everyone is playing in the background, now also the corona along with them, at times the volume will be increased, but only when the media need.

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It can be understood here that the media need is different from the public need. The media gives the public the dramatic material, but does not necessarily give it the meaningful content. It is certainly possible that we all need to re-wear masks tomorrow, but who cares? We’ve been in this movie before, and besides, there’s a government here that’s about to fall. So no, the understatement about the corona is no longer a denial or a neglect. She’s just drafting a new media agenda.

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