Actress Thanh Truc shared some pictures of her daughter. However, she still hid the face of her little angel.Thanh Truc’s daughter born on 2/7The actress shared that she had polycystic ovaries so she got pregnant using in vitro fertilization (IVF). On her 5th pregnancy, Thanh Truc is pregnant success. The actress did not suffer from morning sickness.Thanh Truc practices gentle yoga during pregnancy.The actress registered to get married in 2023 but has not yet held a wedding.Thanh Truc’s husband has not been revealed.In a video, the actress shared about hiding her husband’s face: “Being public is more tiring than hiding it. Someone please help me feel tired, I’m not tired.”Sharing about her partner, Thanh Truc said: “He has qualities that make me appreciate him and when I’m with him, I always feel appreciated. I think that’s enough for us to live together for the rest of our lives.”Before getting married, Thanh Truc was a familiar face on the Southern screen. She acted in the following films: Love Case, Magnolia Flowers, Red Apple Tea, The Case of Chen Zhong, Sea Dream, Karma and Death.The actress temporarily put her artistic career on hold to take care of her family.Watch the video “Thanh Truc sings The Moon Flows in the Night”. Source FBNV
Actress Thanh Truc shared some pictures of her daughter. However, she still hid the face of her little angel.
Thanh Truc’s daughter born on 2/7
The actress shared that she had polycystic ovaries so she got pregnant using in vitro fertilization (IVF). On her 5th pregnancy, Thanh Truc is pregnant success.
The actress did not suffer from morning sickness.
Thanh Truc practices gentle yoga during pregnancy.
The actress registered to get married in 2023 but has not yet held a wedding.
Thanh Truc’s husband has not been revealed.
In a video, the actress shared about hiding her husband’s face: “Being public is more tiring than hiding it. Someone please help me feel tired, I’m not tired.”
Sharing about her partner, Thanh Truc said: “He has qualities that make me appreciate him and when I’m with him, I always feel appreciated. I think that’s enough for us to live together for the rest of our lives.”
Before getting married, Thanh Truc was a familiar face on the Southern screen. She acted in the following films: Love Case, Magnolia Flowers, Red Apple Tea, The Case of Chen Zhong, Sea Dream, Karma and Death.
The actress temporarily put her artistic career on hold to take care of her family.
Watch the video “Thanh Truc sings The Moon Flows in the Night”. Source FBNV