Thyroid: how to know if it is healthy and treat it?

by time news

2022-03-16 09:59:27

Food planning is an area that has received a lot of attention in recent years. Many occupational medicine and public health practitioners build their programs around restoring proper bowel function. Although digestion is very important, there is another organ that plays an important role in energy production: the thyroid gland. The latter controls the rate at which your body’s cells create energy. When the cells work well, we look good, feel good, sleep well, age slowly, and can easily adapt to any stress we come in contact with.

How do you know if your thyroid gland is working properly?

While blood tests are the most common measure, a simple home test can give you an accurate picture. Dr. Broda Barnes was the first to propose this method and his work is not widely disputed because of its effectiveness.

Buy a digital thermometer and keep it on your nightstand. Take your mouth temperature before you get out of bed in the morning. Also take your temperature 20 to 30 minutes after lunch. Record data for several weeks. Your temperature should be around 36.6°C when you wake up and reach 37°C in the middle of the day. If the results are consistently low, your thyroid gland is not working properly.

If you don’t want to try this method, ask yourself if your hands and feet are always cold. Do you always feel cold when everyone is nice? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may need to have your thyroid checked.

What causes thyroid problems?

Thyroid: how to know if it is healthy and treat it?

Unfortunately, many people follow what they believe is a healthy diet. In most cases, it includes lots of fruits, seeds, vegetables, a limited amount of animal protein, lots of vegetable or seed oils, a limited amount of saturated fat, and vigorous training. All of this often puts your body into survival mode where your energy production and body temperature decrease. In his book, Dr. Raymond Peat describes this topic and explains the main causes of hypothyroidism.

thyroid food

Fasting and calorie restriction

Excessive difficulty, especially in the case of excessive physical exercise

protein deficiency in the diet

The vast majority of unsaturated oils in food, all marine oils other than coconut oil and olive oil fall into this group.

Lots of raw vegetables, especially goitrogenic vegetables (broccoli, kale, spinach)

Diets that emphasize fruit, seeds, and beans as their primary protein source

What areas of the body can be affected by thyroid disorders?

swollen thyroid gland healthy thyroid gland

If you look at the list of thyroid symptoms, you will find almost anything you can think of, because the thyroid is involved in almost every process in the body. Below we list some of the most common and perhaps better known relationships.

“High” Cholesterol: thyroid hormone helps convert cholesterol into reproductive hormones. In the absence of this hormone, the cholesterol level continues to increase (ie, it does not change at all).

high cholesterol thyroid symptoms

Low libido: As mentioned above, thyroid hormones are necessary to produce reproductive hormones.

Hair and Skin: Thyroid hormone is responsible for the stability of all the organs in the body, including: -Eye bags/dark circles: Often a sign of hormonal imbalance, food sensitivity, and protein deficiency. -Thyroid problems can upset the delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone.

What steps can you take to improve the health of your thyroid gland?

Thyroid gland symptoms dark circles under the eyes

If some people need a thyroid supplement or medication, there are many changes you can make to your diet. “Eat to warm” is a popular term related to thyroid therapy. It is about eating foods that produce heat in the body. Here are other things you can do.

1) Get enough sunlight. If you live in a cold climate with little sun exposure for part of the year, consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement.

hypothyroidism what to eat foods rich in vitamin d

2) Women need at least 75 mg of protein, more if it’s weight training (eggs, fish, shellfish, grass-fed beef, broth, dairy). If you have limited animal protein, consider white potatoes (contrary to popular belief, they are an adequate source of protein).

thyroid hashimoto's diet dairy products

3) Avoid unsaturated fats. All oils other than coconut oil and olive oil (including flax seed and fish oils).

4) Prefer saturated fats like coconut oil, with the occasional addition of butter and ghee.

5) Eat a balanced meal or snack every three hours and drink fruit or juice as soon as you wake up.

foods to activate the thyroid

6) Eat well cooked vegetables, avoid raw vegetables and green juices.

7) Pamper your liver. Your liver “activates” your thyroid hormones. To do this, reduce toxins, eat beets, bitter foods and artichoke. Fruits and fruit juices as snacks throughout the day also help.

8) bone broth is all the rage, but broth made from chicken or turkey necks will contain thyroid hormones that can help restore thyroid function.

9) Eat seafood once a week to get selenium and other thyroid-supporting minerals.

10) Eat liver once every two weeks. It is good for your liver.

diet for hypothyroidism using liver

11) Make sure to use adequate salt. Salt all foods to give them flavor.

12) Visit saunas regularly.

13) Ensure Adequate Magnesium Intake: Transdermal oils, supplements, and Epsom salt baths help increase magnesium levels.

Thyroid gluten foods

14) Avoid gluten and any other food that doesn’t make you happy.

15) Sleep with socks.

16) Include some types of dairy in your diet (milk, cheese, yogurt or ice cream).

17) Do not limit natural sugar. Eat lots of fruit a day and/or add honey.


17/03/2022 10:03

This information should not replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have any questions, consult with professionals.

#Thyroid #healthy #treat

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