Tibi to Boaz Toporovsky Mish Atid: ‘Go to hell, shut up’

by time news

The regulatory committee, chaired by MK Yoav Kish, met today (Monday) to discuss the appointment of temporary deputies to the Speaker of the Knesset.

The chairman of the committee said at the beginning of the discussion: “I was not able to reach agreements with the opposition. I proposed to increase the number of deputy speakers of the Knesset from nine to 11, six from the coalition and five from the opposition in order to allow representation for all factions.

“In my opinion,” said MK Kish, “there is overwhelming opposition to any of our proposals.” I appeal to the opposition factions, if there is agreement within the opposition. We will discuss it here in the committee.”

MK Boaz Toporovski Mish Atid said: “We oppose the appointment of people whose opinions were correct for a period two thousand years ago.”

MK Galit Distel Atbarian Santa in MK Toporovsky: “It is terrible and threatening that the left bloc uses LGBT people against us. There is no answer to the fact that MK Walid Taha thinks that gays are deviant and an abomination…”

MK Distal Atbarian turned to MK Taha and asked: “Are gays deviant?” Taha replied that it was not the subject of the discussion.

MK Toporovski continued: “We see the appointment of people with anti-liberal views, we are not ready to take part in that. The appointment of the deputy speakers of the Knesset is intended to pass laws, such as a law that will qualify Deri to serve as a kosher minister, and MK Smotrich to appoint generals in the IDF. We will fight for the rule of law, and we will not be a part and we will not help the political system to give unlimited power. We will do everything to prevent the destruction of Israeli democracy.”

Toporovsky proposed to appoint 9 vice-chairmen in a ratio of 5-4, and the opposition “will decide among themselves who will be appointed from among them. If not by agreement – we will decide by voting.”

The chairman of the committee replied: “I understood that the opposition has no intention of reaching any agreements, so we will go to a decision that the coalition will decide.”

MK Efrat Raiten from HaAvoda said: “Give us the opportunity to reach an agreement and bring a different decision. Your experience is clear, to divide and rule. It is inappropriate for the coalition to decide for the opposition who its representatives will be.”

MK Kish replied: “I gave you a week to decide and you did not come to an agreement. We offer 7-6 or if you reach agreements in the opposition.”

The chairman of the committee announced that he is allowing the forming opposition to reach agreements. The committee went on a 15 minute break.

After the committee came back from the break, the winds were stormy.

The chairman of the committee, MK Shlomo Karai, excluded Knesset members Ronan Katz and Efrat Raiten from the discussion.

During the debate, MK Ahmed Tibi lashed out at Boaz Toporovsky: “My answer to you is – go to hell.”

Toporovsky said in response: “I understand that Ahmed Tibi joined the coalition” – and Tibi attacked: “Shut up when I speak. Be more humble when you address us and when you treat us. I don’t receive instructions from you, look for other Arabs.”

It should be noted that the Yesh Atid faction opposes Tibi’s appointment as vice-chairman, and prefers to transfer this standard of the opposition to a representative of the Ra’am faction.

During the discussion, MK Hanoch Malivetski of the Likud said: “The priests of Progress that you brought into the education system, decided to prevent Bible studies at my son’s school, with the aim of cutting us off from the attachment and connection to the Land of Israel. I prefer a thousand Abi Maozuz to you.”

MK Boaz Bismut said: “You were defeated in the elections and you come here with such arrogance.”

MK Ahmed Tibi responded: “They are not only condescending to you, but also to us.” He added and said to Lish Atid: “From today until the end of the term, I am not ready to receive instructions from you.”

Tibi told MK Tor-Paz who snapped at his words: “Shut up.” You kill Arabs every day, this is the government of change. Speak to me with respect.”

MK Moshe Tor-Paz replied to Tibi: “You have no privileges even though you are a doctor.”

At the end of a long and loud discussion, the regulatory committee recommended to the Knesset Plenum to choose the following members of the Knesset as temporary deputies to the Speaker of the Knesset:

MK Ofir Katz from the Likud, MK Yaakov Margi from Shas, MK Yaakov Tesler from Torah Judaism – at the expense of the Likud, and MK Matan Kahane from the state camp.

The tenure of the temporary deputies will end with the appointments of permanent deputies to the Speaker of the Knesset.

The proposal was approved with the support of ten MKs – including MK Ahmed Tibi, against the opposition of six MKs.

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