Tic in the eye, remedies to pass it in 10 steps

by time news

Eye tic, remedies: the advice of specialists to eliminate a disorder that in most cases is not serious

I tic they are rapid and intermittent movements that are done involuntarily. They affect the normal development of muscles and, depending on the number of those involved, can be more or less complex. There are many types and based on data provided by Bavaria Clinic it appears that 25% of Italians suffered from at least one tic at some point in their life, especially during childhood. Small disturbances that in most cases pass over time. Tics can affect all parts of the body, in this case we focus on eyes.

Tic all’occhio cause

Tics can be of varying intensity depending on the situation in which they occur. They usually intensify in the presence of states of stress, anxiety, fatigue, boredom and also heat. Speaking of the eyes, they don’t always have to be treated as tics, in most cases it is spasms The repetitive and uncontrollable temporary tremors that I am harmless, they pass after a short time and are of no importance. There are three types of involuntary twitching that affect the eyes:

  • Minor eyelid spasm – It is an anomaly in the function of the eyelid that occurs when the muscles that regulate its opening and closing contract in a repetitive, involuntary and rhythmic way; usually it is a light contraction, not very intense and infrequent. In most cases it is only noticed by the person suffering from it and is not given much importance. It usually resolves spontaneously and the cause, in 80% of cases, is stress or fatigue. It cannot be considered a tic as such, rather a tremor or a momentary spasm.
  • Benign essential blepharospasm – It is a disorder that usually affects both eyes causing them to close involuntarily in a repetitive, intense and chronic way. It can also cause movements of the neck, head or mouth. Over time, tics tend to be more frequent and become chronic and this can lead to the disability of the person who suffers from it.
  • Hemifacial spasm – It is a disorder, not a dystonia, which affects the muscles on only one side of the face and is caused by the compression of a facial nerve by a blood vessel or artery. These spasms affect not only the eye, but also the rest of the face, especially the muscles near the mouth. It is important to always contact your doctor to determine the cause.

Having eye tics can cause discomfort and discomfort to the person but it is rarely a serious problem. Most of the time, stress and fatigue are the cause of these contractions, but they can also be caused by one lack of vitaminsfrom excessive consumption of caffeinedall’abuse of screensfrom having the dry eyesgives refractive defects, allergy or other diseases: in these cases it is always good that the disorder is treated by a specialist. The question is: can they be solved? The answer is yes, in most cases, and the experts do Bavaria Clinic they give some small tips that can be useful in preventing them.

Tic in the eye, remedies to make it pass

  1. Get enough sleep – One of the main causes of eyelid tremor is fatigue. To try to prevent this, it is important to rest and sleep enough hours, about seven or eight a day.
  2. Lubricate the eyes – Another cause of eye twitching is dry eye. Lubrication is very important for eye health in general, having dry eye can cause irritation of the cornea or conjunctiva, which then leads to involuntary blinking due to lack of tears. The best remedy to lubricate the eyes and avoid involuntary twitching is to use artificial tears or a saline solution.
  3. Take vitamins – Lack of vitamins such as B12 or minerals such as magnesium, potassium or calcium can cause involuntary contractions. It is essential to follow a balanced diet, with the right amount of fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. To make sure you are getting enough, you can consult a specialist and evaluate, if necessary, the prescription of a dietary supplement.
  4. Hydrate properly – Another essential thing is to stay hydrated, not drinking enough water can also have unwanted effects on the muscles and cause involuntary movements. It is recommended to drink two liters of water a day.
  5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol – Excessive consumption of caffeine and stimulating drinks can cause eye problems. It is important to moderate or avoid their consumption in order not to compromise visual health. The same goes for alcohol.
  6. Use relaxation techniques – As already mentioned, stress is one of the main causes of eye twitching. In everyday life there are many situations that cause stress; in addition to trying to avoid them or learn to deal with them in the best possible way, relaxation techniques can be used. One of the most effective methods is yoga which helps to control and balance emotions and nerves, brings serenity and teaches how to breathe, helping to relax and gradually reduce tics as well.
  7. Don’t abuse screens – Another major reason for tics is excessive use of screens; more and more use is made of it and the consequence is that the eyes never rest. It is essential not to abuse technology too much and take short breaks; simply closing your eyes a little from time to time can prevent them from drying out and starting tremors. We should also try to avoid the continuous and prolonged use of mobile phones, tablets and televisions; visual fatigue is also a major cause of nervous tics.
  8. Wear sunglasses – The use of sunglasses is essential throughout the year, protecting the eyes from light is important for visual health. Sunglasses also prevent particles and dust from entering the eyes which can cause irritation and consequently contractions.
  9. Massages and packs – Gently massaging the eyelids with your fingertips for 20 seconds in a circular motion, without pressing too hard, can help soothe involuntary movements. Also, blinking rapidly several times in a row reduces the discomfort caused by the twitching of the eyes. Applying cold compresses to the eyelids also often works.
  10. Drink calming herbal teas – You can also try a natural remedy with relaxing properties, such as an infusion of valerian, chamomile or lemon balm. Ideally, it should be consumed about half an hour before going to bed.

Although eye twitching usually goes away on its own after a short time, it is essential to see a specialist if they occur regularly, so that he can determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment to follow. Sometimes it is not just a simple involuntary movement but the contraction is due to a chronic tic. There are currently remedies, such as injections of botulinum toxin, which reduce the transmission of electrical impulses from nerve endings to affected muscles, relieving spasms. In more severe cases, however, a surgical technique called myectomy. It is important to consult a specialist regularly because tics are sometimes due to poorly corrected refractive defects or can be the wake-up call for diseases such as sindromi di Meige, in Gilles from Tourette o di Sjogrenwhich can cause eye tremors and involuntary movements.

“Ocular contractions, some more, some less, are something we have all tried at least once in our life; – says Dr. Federico Fiorini, medical director of Bavaria Clinic Bologna – are repetitive and uncontrollable muscle movements that we perceive as if they were a spasm. Normally there is no need to be alarmed as they disappear after a short time. In any case, we at Clinica Baviera want to encourage people to follow these simple tips to try to prevent or mitigate their appearance; if they do not disappear it is always good to go to an ophthalmologist to understand if it is something temporary, a more important ailment or if they are caused by another disease, to then have adequate treatment “.

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