timeline of a year of conflict in ten key dates and moments

by time news

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began just a year ago, on Thursday February 24, 2022. A look back at the ten key moments of the biggest conflict in Europe since the Second World War.

► February 24, 2022: war breaks out

Three days after recognizing the independence of the separatist republics of Donbass, Vladimir Putin launched his troops to attack Ukraine. Several fronts are open to attack the country, including one in the north from Belarus, with the objective of taking kyiv and placing a government favorable to Moscow there. Other battalions attack east from Russia and south from Crimea, annexed by Moscow in 2014.

► April 1, 2022: first Russian crimes discovered

After the withdrawal of Russian troops from the kyiv region at the end of March 2022, Ukrainian forces reinvested in several localities neighboring the capital. In Boutcha, they discover hundreds of corpses of civilians. Some have their hands tied, which seems to indicate summary executions. In response, the UN took the symbolic decision to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council.

► May 16: Finland and Sweden en route to NATO

Due to the threat that Russia poses to their security, Sweden and Finland formalize their candidacy to join NATO. This choice constitutes a break with the policy of neutrality followed by the two countries since the Second World War.

Nine months later, their accession is still awaited: Turkey and Hungary, members of NATO, have not yet ratified the accession of the two Nordic countries to the Western alliance, due in particular to strong diplomatic tensions. between Stockholm and Ankara.

► May 20: the fall of Mariupol

The strategic port of Mariupol has found itself under siege since the beginning of the Russian invasion. Its fierce resistance for nearly three months, especially that of the fighters sheltered in the enormous metallurgical complex of Azovstal, ended up becoming the symbol of the Ukrainians’ fight against the Russian invader. On May 20, Russia announced that it had taken control of the city after kyiv ordered its soldiers to stop the fighting.

► Summer 2022: the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is close to disaster

Occupied by Russian forces in March 2022, the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine suffered intense bombardments during the summer, raising fears of a nuclear disaster. The last reactor still in operation was shut down in mid-September. But the crisis is still relevant: the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports strikes in November and explosions in January. Its director calls again for the establishment of a protection zone around the site.

► September 2022: Ukraine on the offensive

At the beginning of the month, the Ukrainian armed forces launched a large-scale counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region, in the northeast of the country. Volodymyr Zelensky affirms on September 12 that the operation made it possible to take back nearly 6,000 km² from the Russians.

The Ukrainian army continues its breakthrough in the region and liberates nearly 2,500 km² at the end of September. The Russian forces are also pushed back in the South, in Kherson.

► End of September 2022: the forced passage of Russia

Following the military defeats in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin decrees on September 21 a partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. The announcement pushes tens of thousands of young people to flee abroad.

On September 30, the Russian president validates the annexation of the occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporijjia and Kherson to Russia, after the results of the “referendums” of annexation. Ukraine and the West condemn this sham of democracy and impose new sanctions against Russia.

► Early November 2022: the city of Kherson liberated

After fierce fighting, the Ukrainian army enters the city of Kherson in southern Ukraine, ending more than eight months of Russian occupation. Moscow had two days earlier ordered the withdrawal of its troops from the western bank of the Dnieper River. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is going there on November 14. Although liberated, the city still suffered many deadly strikes from the Russian army.

► January 2023: fall of Soledar, first Russian victory since the end of June 2022.

As of January 11, Russia claims to have taken control of the city of Soledar, in eastern Ukraine, a first notable Russian victory on the ground after several humiliating setbacks in recent months. This announcement was initially denied by kyiv, leaving uncertainty about the fate of Soledar. Ukraine ends up confirming on January 25 the fall of the city, reduced to ruins by the fighting.

► January 25, 2023: tanks for Ukraine

After several weeks of procrastination, Chancellor Olaf Scholz authorized his NATO allies on January 25 to deliver their German Leopard tanks, the most widespread model in Europe. Germany will deliver 14 armored vehicles itself initially to Ukraine. US President Joe Biden also announced the delivery of 31 Abrams tanks. But Berlin and Washington refuse to send fighter planes to Ukraine, yet claimed by kyiv.

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