Tips for a beautiful table decoration in winter

by time news

Table decoration in winter is not a problem, but rather a creative challenge.
Image: Stefanie Hiekmann

A beautifully laid table is part of a good meal. But when nature is in hibernation, ingenuity is called for. With these tips you can create a beautiful table.

In summer it’s child’s play: nature offers cut flowers and colorful plants in abundance for arrangements, vases and small bowls. Everything grows on your doorstep, you just have to grab it. It seems more difficult in winter: everything is barren, colorless and faded. Or not?

The cold season is not a problem for Anne Oberwalleney, but rather a creative challenge. “There’s so much there,” says the decoration expert from Osnabrück. She calls herself “Floral Artist” (flower artist) or “Farmer Florist” (florist with a farm) because she grows the plants she uses for her decorations herself. She has been traveling nationwide with her label “Iko Flowers” since 2017 and designs natural bridal bouquets and bouquets, decorates rooms and tables and gives courses in which you learn how to decorate with plants you have grown yourself.

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