Tips for Healthy Alcohol Swaps During Festive Season: Reduce Calorie Intake without Skipping Fun!

by time news

Title: How to Indulge Guilt-free During the Holidays


Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 12:32 p.m. ET

The holiday season is often synonymous with indulgence, especially when it comes to food and drink. The average Aussie consumes an extra 500 calories a day during the festive season, which can equate to about 1 pound of weight gain after four days of celebrations. Aside from Christmas Day, one of the biggest culprits for excessive calorie intake is the office party, where the average attendee consumes a staggering 4941 calories, according to research published last year.

With the recommended daily calorie intake being 2000 for women and 2500 for men, it’s important to find ways to make healthier choices while still enjoying the holiday season. UK-based dietitian Terri-Ann Nunns offers six alcohol swaps that can help individuals enjoy the festivities guilt-free. These swaps include:

1. Replacing a Long Island iced tea with a Bloody Mary, as the former can contain as many calories as a Big Mac.
2. Swapping a pint of beer for a bottle or a schooner to reduce calorie intake.
3. Choosing a slimline tonic over a regular tonic when drinking gin and tonic, significantly cutting down on calories.
4. Opting for prosecco over a large glass of wine, which has substantially fewer calories and lower sugar content.
5. Replacing dessert wine with a glass of sherry, which has less than half the calories of dessert wine.
6. Swapping whiskey for vodka to reduce calorie intake, especially when mixed with low-cal soda and fresh lime.

By making these simple swaps, individuals can still enjoy the holiday season while mitigating the impact on their waistline. With a focus on healthier alternatives, it’s possible to indulge in the festivities without the guilt of excessive calorie consumption.

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