tips for spending your holiday in safety –

by time news

2023-08-13 13:08:38

at MGF

What to do in case of heat stroke or cold? How to dress? What precautions to take if you have a chronic disease? How to prevent possible environmental hazards? The right nutrition and hydration

Have you decided to spend the mid-August bridge at high altitude? Whether you choose to go trekking or simple walks, it is advisable to adopt some precautions to enjoy the mountains in the name of relaxation and safety, preventing possible health risks. Here are the advice of the experts of the Italian Society of Hygiene (Siti), the Italian Society of Mountain Medicine (Simem) and the Italian Society of Travel Medicine (Simvim).

Exposure to heat

Remember that even in the mountains, with the climate change of recent years, temperatures can be high – especially at not too high altitudes – and you are much more exposed to the sun’s rays. Experts advise avoiding walks if temperatures are high, there is a lot of humidity and there is no ventilation. In any case it is advisable to leave very early in the morning avoiding long walks in the sun also to prevent a possible heat stroke, drink regularly every 30-60 minutes, wear a hat or a bandana that also covers the ears and neck, sunglasses sun (protective lenses with sunscreen 4-5). Sunscreen should always be used: the cream (50+) should be applied before leaving in the morning and renewed during the day, especially if you sweat a lot.

Watch out for the cold

Even in summer in the mountains you can contract “cold” diseases. If the body cools down completely, you risk hypothermia. In the event of an excursion, therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate clothing by putting gloves, a hat, a fleece and an anorak, spare clothes and a thermal towel (or isothermal blanket) in the backpack.

How to feed …

Due to climate change, high temperatures can be found even at two thousand meters during excursions. The main rule to keep performance high is to make breaks every hour, with salty snacks, dates, dried figs, dehydrated apricots, dried fruit or bars. For the lunch break it is preferable to choose foods with a high caloric value and low weight, mainly based on the mix of simple and complex carbohydrates also associated with a small amount of protein, to ensure a quick recovery and avoid glycemic drops. According to experts, in the case of excursions at low altitudes, the classic sandwich with speck or bresaola, fresh fruit and a dessert with jam or honey is fine; for high altitudes they recommend using freeze-dried preparations to be dissolved in a little water, or noodles and ready-to-use freeze-dried flours such as oats, corn and tapioca, parmesan cheese, speck or slinzega.

…and hydrate

It is also necessary to hydrate continuously, at intervals of about 30 minutes, without ever weighing down the stomach with water enriched with lemon and fructose. To recover the fluids lost through perspiration, hot tea with honey, ginger and lemon is always a panacea – even in the case of tiredness and loss of strength. It is also advisable to keep a reserve ration and a saline/vitamin supplement in the backpack.

Children, what precautions

Doctors advise not to ascend or descend quickly with infants and children in their first year of life from altitudes above 1600 metres. Children must always be protected with adequate sunscreen (50+), sunglasses and suitable clothing, using a hat with visor, waterproof jacket, closed shoes. It should be avoided that the little ones walk barefoot or move stones or brushwood to avoid unpleasant inconveniences. Don’t forget to always bring insect and tick repellent, sanitizing wipes, water and enough food supplies.

Elderly, what precautions

The elderly, like people of all ages, can benefit from mountain activities but, having a lower capacity to adapt to the environment, they must take some extra precautions, from the choice of itinerary to food and clothing . If you are taking therapies, it is advisable to ask your doctor if they can affect physical activity in the mountains. Being more vulnerable, then, they must be aware of their real resilience in the face of unforeseen events, efforts, dangers.

If you have chronic diseases

Even those suffering from chronic pathologies, such as hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, type 2 diabetes, a previous heart attack, can benefit from mountain activities, but it is important to ask your doctor what precautions to take before and during your stay.

Prevent environmental hazards

In the mountains you risk slipping more easily as the terrain is rough and uneven, therefore it is advisable to wear suitable footwear (trekking boots) and pay the utmost attention when walking, especially when going downhill and if it is raining. Nordic walking sticks can be useful. Furthermore, the experts remind you, never leave the marked path and avoid shortcuts. In summer, thunderstorms in the mountains are very frequent in the afternoon, often accompanied by hail and lightning. The advice is to seek shelter (bivouac or refuge) as soon as possible, avoiding caves which are not a safe place. It is also necessary to keep away from ferrous material (for example: via ferrata, tips of sticks, ice axes).

Consult the weather report before the excursion

Even in summer, above 2,500m, there may be a morning frost or snowfall during a thunderstorm. For this reason, it is advisable to consult – the day before the excursion – the weather report, which contains information on temperatures, the possibility of precipitation, humidity, wind. For example, the experts remind us, if the humidity is very high on the hottest days, it is easier to suffer from heatstroke.

August 13, 2023 (change August 13, 2023 | 1:07 pm)

#tips #spending #holiday #safety

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