Tips for starting to play: fun and hassle-free

by time news

Start playing for fun, without stress: it’s easier than you think and it transforms your relationship with music. Here are the answers to the most common doubts

This is a topic we have often touched on Radiofrequency: to encourage music lovers to play an instrument. Without rockstar ambitions or virtuoso ambitions, just for live the music with a new and deeper awareness. We have collected the most frequently asked questions of the Hurry up and responded with practical advice and ideas to get started, without stress, but with lots of fun

There are many music loverseven the most curious experts, who feel that itch, that teasing desire to start playing one musical instrument. A fantasy that is a pity to remain such. Because, although it is not necessary to play an instrument to experience music and Rock like a second skinit is equally true that strum a guitar, a bass, a piano or a drum kit – even badly and for pure fun – helps to experience, feel and understand music in a way different and special. And getting started is much easier than you might imagine.

In this first year on Radiofrequencytogether with Ambramarie or inside of Good VibrationsI have often touched on this topic which, judging from the messages received, evidently sparks the interest of many Hurry up who cultivate this desire. So, I collected the most frequently asked questions among those received and I have prepared a series of answers, ideas and advice that I hope can to spur whoever wants to finally get their hands on a guitar (or the instrument that attracts them the most!).


When we talk about those who desire start playing an instrumentwe are addressing a very specific category of aspiring musiciansi. We are not talking about young people dreaming of a professional career in music, who aspire to become excellent instrumentalists or even real rock stars. The latter will have to inevitably dedicate their lives to studyfollowing a rigorous and all-encompassing academic pathsimilar to that of someone who wants to become a doctor or an Olympic athlete.

We, on the other hand, we are addressing those whowhile deeply loving music, he never found the drive needed to pick up an instrument. Today, this person finally wants to try, not to become the new member of Dream Theaterbut to find a pastime that brings her even closer to the music she loves. She wants to feel it, listen to it with greater awareness, perhaps even managing to strum his favorite piece. This person likes the idea of ​​forming a small group of friendswith whom to meet up a couple of Saturdays a month, lock yourself in a rehearsal room or garageand play at being the Rolling StonesThe Oasisi Pearl Jam o i Foo Fightersmessing around a bit rock classic.

Why is the Acoustic Guitar the Best Instrument to Start With?

There are two main reasons why the acoustic guitar It is the ideal tool to start with: it is easily available and often cheap. Probably each of us has a friend or relative with a old guitar forgotten in the atticready to be dusted off. Furthermore, it is transportableyou can take it anywhere and it allows you to play without making too much noise.

But the main reason I recommend the guitar is that helps you enter the world of music immediately. When you start playing, it is essential understand some basic concepts, without which it is difficult to approach music. I am not talking about solfeggio, theory or reading the staff, but understanding the importance of rhythm, melody and harmony. These three distinct elements, when combined, form music. On the guitar, you only have to play the simplest chord progression or the most basic riff to gain full and immediate awareness of them.

Furthermore, with the guitar you can easily understand the structure of a song: the verse, the chorus, the bridge…These sections repeat and create the architecture of the musical piece. Even if your goal is to play drums or bass, I recommend starting with guitar, even if just for a couple of months, to gain this awareness.

How much practice should you do before playing Rock, Punk, Blues…?

There is no need to wait. Get started with what you love now! There is no better incentive than trying to play a piece that you are passionate about. We are not talking about an academic path, where it is necessary to start from the rudiments of technique and theory. If you love rockask a more experienced musician to help you choose an accessible song from your favorite band. It could be a riff from AC/DCthe chords of a song by Benson Booneof the Nirvanaor an arpeggio of the Red Hot Chili Peppers I gave it to him Muse. It starts like this and as you encounter difficulties, approach the technique to solve specific problems.

Is it better to learn by yourself or rely on a teacher?

The best answer is: both things. A teacher, or a more experienced musician, can be useful not so much for setting up a rigid program (which could result suffocating for those who play just for fun) rather than for track your progress. Every two weeks, a teacher could help you keep the guitar in tunemake sure you don’t hurt yourself with a wrong setting, or prevent you from wasting too much time on systematic errors. However, theindependence to explore independently, search for tutorials are YouTube, e let yourself be guided by your passion it is fundamental and must absolutely be preserved.

When is the right time to form a band?

Play alone and play in una band I am two radically different experiencesIt’s like talking in front of the mirror: you’ll always be right, no one interrupts you, no one tells you to hurry up or that you’re boring. But when you play with other people, you have to adapt to their sensitivity and work together for the music to “work”. For this reason, it is advisable to start playing in a group as soon as possible, perhaps by finding a group of more experienced musicians who can welcome and guide you.

Don’t underestimate the emotional aspect of playing with someone or in front of an audience. The first few times can be paralyzing with emotion.but starting early will help you manage these feelings. Also, playing with other people is extremely funny!

To make it all even more convincing, we’ve included three videos of live performances in the article – absolutely irresistible – that would make even a stone want to pick up a guitar! And you, which songs most ignite your desire to play?”

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