Tips for taking care of your teeth

by time news

How does tooth or toothache occur

Toothache or toothache are complaints that unfortunately occur often but are extremely annoying. There are different forms of toothache and therefore different causes. You can distinguish between chronic or mild toothache or acute and sharp toothache. Chronic tooth or toothache usually has one of the following causes; cavities, inflamed gums, inflamed tooth or molar, dental erosion, misalignment of wisdom teeth or exposed tooth necks. Acute toothache is usually caused by; an abscess, tooth injury, inflamed root canal, tooth or gums. It is important that toothaches are treated by a dentist as soon as possible. Exactly which treatment is needed can be determined when the cause of the toothache is clear. In most cases, tooth or toothache can be easily solved by filling cavities, having your teeth cleaned or a root canal treatment. In the worst case, a tooth may have to be removed. This can then be replaced by one tooth implant.

The best tips for taking care of your teeth

  • To prevent toothache or toothache, it is important to take good care of your teeth. That’s why we went looking for the best tips for taking care of your teeth;
  • Always brush your teeth twice a day, for 2 minutes each time. Preferably with fluoride toothpaste. It is important to also clean your tongue properly. You can do this with a tongue cleaner that removes bacteria from the back of your tongue. This way you prevent bad breath.
  • In addition to brushing your teeth, it is important to use a toothpick or interdental brushes. This way you can keep the space between your teeth clean. No matter how well you brush, you can never reach these areas with a toothbrush.
  • Never brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking. The acids in food and drinks mix with your saliva, which then affects / weakens your tooth enamel. By waiting at least half an hour to brush your teeth after eating, you give your saliva enough time to reform and neutralize. Otherwise, you are, as it were, brushing off the weakened enamel of your teeth.
  • Drink soft drinks or other acidic drinks as little as possible. The acids in these drinks cause the enamel of your teeth to wear down.
  • Scientific research has indicated that brushing with an electric toothbrush is more effective than brushing with a manual toothbrush. So always use an electric toothbrush.
  • Limit the number of eating and drinking moments in a day. This gives the teeth enough time to recover, minimizing the risk of cavities.

How do you care for dentures and click dentures?

Taking care of dentures or click dentures is just as important as taking care of ‘ordinary’ teeth. You also have to clean dentures twice a day. This is best done with water, soap and a denture brush. Rinse the denture and brush well after cleaning. To prevent dentures from breaking, it is advisable to leave a cloth or a layer of water in the sink. With click dentures, it is important to clean the push buttons or bar at least once a day. In addition, the teeth themselves must be cleaned inside and out every day with soap and water. Toothpaste should be avoided as they can roughen the surface of the click denture. The advice is not to wear the click dentures at night. This is because saliva production decreases at night. This can make it easier for bacteria or fungi to grow on the dentures.

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