Tips for the confused entrepreneur: “The big challenge is an endless flood of conflicting advice”

by time news

Emotional roller coaster is the lot of many start-ups. Therefore, the True Venture Capital Fund Ventures decided to hold a meetup event in Tel Aviv with David Lazerson, CEO and co-founder of Briya, and Eli Cohen, CEO and co-founder of Helios, who shared with the Nurture Community entrepreneurs the challenges they faced.

“The big challenge is an endless flood of completely contradictory advice, from anyone who just talks to him,” Lazerson said. “Therefore, it is important that you attack yourself with consultants and professionals from the beginning. In addition, do not set out with less money than you really need, do not compromise on the quality of the venture capital fund, and certainly not on the quality of the people you recruit. That can be found, even if they are part-time or Otto are expected to give birth. “

Cohen mentioned that the process of finding the idea “is always tedious and difficult. It is really important to move forward and double down on an idea that came from you, and you feel completely whole with it. You will hear so many times along the way ‘no’ keep fighting”.

The golden parachute

Regba is rebuilding the management boulevard: Kobe Motif Appointed CEO, interim CEO June Gadish Will serve as VP of Marketing and Business Development, Dotan Dahan Will serve as VP of customer service, Ronen Guetta As VP of Finance andAdva Lerer As a Quality Assurance Manager.

Prof. Tamir Sheffer Appointed Rector of the Hebrew University. For the past six years he has served as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Mila Zilberman Appointed VP of Marketing for the Kav Mincha Group. Prior to that, she held senior marketing positions at Bank Mizrahi Tefahot, Pelephone and Hot.

VP of Marketing Mila Zilberman / Photo: PR Guideline

Former MK Yifat KaribVP of Regulation and Community in the Correction of the Cannabis World, was elected Chairman of the Cannabis Companies Forum at the Manufacturers Association.

Yifat Karib, VP of Government Relations in the Correction of the World of Cannabis / Photo: Tomer Katsav

Yifat Karib, VP of Government Relations in the Correction of the World of Cannabis / Photo: Tomer Katsav

Anat Aharon Appointed VP of Marketing and Sales at the Fattal chain.

Age of Marx Appointed VP of Product for Trullion startup, which develops an artificial intelligence-based accounting platform for managing and automating financial workflows.

Tal Gur Arieh Will serve as Innovation and Entrepreneurship Manager at Aman Digital, a company that specializes in UX-UI customer experience.

good news

Bigger than life in Paris. At the launch event of a group of friends of the “Bigger Than Life” organization in France, held in the capital Paris, about 30,000 euros were raised for the establishment of a third dream garden in Jerusalem.

Integrate the young. The start-up Elevation and Atidna are launching a free training program for integrating young people from Arab society into recruitment, sales and data analysis positions in the high-tech industry. In addition to training, the program will assist participants in improving the soft skills and competencies required in interviews, admissions processes to the profession and teamwork.

Amit Deri, Dr. Dalia Padila, Avi Snir / Photo: Atidna, Miri Lavie, Elbeishen

Amit Deri, Dr. Dalia Padila, Avi Snir / Photo: Atidna, Miri Lavie, Elbeishen

According to Dr. Dalia Padila and Amit Deri, co-CEOs of Atidna, “The association works on many projects in Arab society, in order to increase integration in Israeli society. The high-tech industry is the story of Israeli success, and all Israeli citizens, including Arabs, should have the opportunity to participate. “And the Atidna Tech program works to do that, and helps its graduates find work in the field.”

Avi Snir, CEO and founder of Elevation, believes that “we must expand the circle of populations that take part in the high-tech industry. “From our experience in training the Arab citizens of Israel, we have encountered a real talent that can be integrated into any company in the market – I call on companies that are recruiting to join us and take part in changing the ecosystem.”

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