Tips on how to prevent an infection when shaving

by time news

What exactly is razor burn?

Razor burn is a temporary skin irritation caused by shaving. It can happen to anyone who shaves any part of their body. If you’ve ever had a red rash after shaving, you probably suffered from razor burn.

This condition can be painful and irritating. And it doesn’t always look great either. Because with all her symptoms, which include redness, itching, swelling and sensitive skin. It also produces a burning sensation and often includes small, irritated red bumps.

Razor burn is usually temporary and will go away over time. The treatment of razor burn in this case consists only of waiting. And you also want to avoid shaving the affected area again to let it heal. This healing process can take up to three to four weeks.

To ease the heat or itching, you can apply a cool washcloth to the affected area. Because this can pleasantly soothe the skin. The use of aloe or avocado oil both has a cooling effect and can also be applied safely and directly to the skin.

Or you can use a cream like cortisone or apple cider vinegar to treat any related inflammation. However, you should definitely consult your doctor if the razor bumps show signs of an infection.

What Are Ingrown Hairs?

Dermatologists say about ingrown hairs that shaving too close to the skin can cause problems for some individuals. Because it is very easy for these hairs to twist themselves and then pierce the skin. This is especially true if they are shaved fairly close. Those ingrown hairs can therefore cause inflammation and infections.

This can also cause small bumps. This situation is most common in men with tight, curly hair. These bumps start out small, but can eventually get a lot bigger. And even cause scars on the face and neck. The most important tip, if you start seeing these acne-like bumps or small scar tissue-like bumps. Is to ensure that you wash it enough.

What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis, sometimes referred to as hair root inflammation, is a common skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles of your skin become inflamed. There are different types of folliculitis. But it is often caused by an infection with bacteria.

It looks a bit like an ingrown hair at first, but is brought on by infected hair follicles. It looks like tiny pimples around the tiny sacs from which each hair grows (the hair follicles).

This condition can be very itchy, painful and embarrassing. Its infection can spread quickly and also turn into crusted sores. Fortunately, a mild folliculitis will heal within a few days with simple self-care.

But the more severe or recurrent infections may require prescription drugs. Left untreated, these serious infections can even cause permanent hair loss and scarring. It is therefore essential to make an appointment with your doctor if your condition is widespread. Or if the symptoms don’t go away with self-care after a week or two.

How to prevent all this as much as possible

Below we discuss a number of ways to prevent all these types of razor bumps, wounds and skin irritations during shaving:

Disinfect your beard trimmer or shaver

Before you start shaving, it is a good idea to disinfect your beard trimmer or shaver before you use it. This is best done with a 70% isopropyl alcohol, which is fairly easy to get at the drugstore. There can be a lot of bacteria on your beard trimmer. By disinfecting these you are on the safe side and the chance of an infection is much smaller. For a good beard trimmer, we recommend the

Don’t shave dry

It is of the utmost importance to wet the hair before shaving it. Because moistening the hair makes it soft and prevents the formation of bumps. It is therefore best to shave immediately after showering, because your skin will still be quite wet. This showering has therefore removed the dead skin cells that can get stuck in a razor or shaver.

Use shaving cream or gel

Shaving without a shaving cream or gel can be very irritating and easily cause a rash. If you know you have sensitive skin. Then look for a cream or gel that is specially made for sensitive skin. After all, these shaving products will optimally protect, repair and hydrate the skin during shaving.

Do not shave against the direction of the hair

Always shave in the same direction that your hair grows. After all, shaving hairs in the opposite direction is a great way to get razor burn or other razor burns!

Rinse your razor after (almost) every shave

This sounds a bit exaggerated. But you would rather not keep shaving with your razor without cleaning it regularly in the meantime. Because not rinsing your razor is an easy way to get skin irritation or an infection.

It is also important to replace your razor regularly. Especially if you use disposable razors, throw them away regularly.

Dry your razor between shaves

Be sure to store your razor in a dry place. Because if your razor remains moist between shaves, the bacteria present here can multiply quickly. It is therefore not recommended to leave your (electric) razor in the shower or a wet sink.

Tips on how to prevent an infection when shaving conclusion

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that your razor, shaver, or trimmer is a tool. That must be perfectly maintained and, if necessary, replaced in time. Because even if you use a suitable razor and shave in the right direction. Even then, a dull or clogged razor can still cause razor burn or an infection.

It is also recommended to apply a high-quality moisturizing cream plus soothing shaving balm after shaving. This shaving balm will then comfortably help to refresh and restore potentially irritated skin. This prevents an annoying shaving rash.

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