by time news

2024-09-12 12:47:51

In my many adventures there, among some or other inconsistencies, I don’t know if what marked me the most (that left me) was the time in the street around the office, in the fandangos around or repair the car. As I continue on foot and occasionally take a taxi based on the app (as decided by my lady who says it is cheaper than public transport), it is clear that the subject of cars is the subject of time in my life. Obviously there are transactions that I should not attract more attention, but one or two that worked out, especially of tight lines, are the ones that I am looking for in my memory at the moment.

One time, on my way back to the Capital through the office, after a long time riding the bus or subway, I decided it was time to go back to having a new car. Recently launched and causing a stir in the market, so that all competitors copy the body of the vehicle, I want a Gol G5 – to return to the VW that I lived with in the 80s and part of the 90s: it was. A 1979 white Beetle that I made a car for our Copa do Brasil tournament.

But Gol is the most expensive in the category. Much more expensive, in fact. I tried, I thought something crazy or something else, but fate did not want: why did I buy Celta black, for 10 thousand reais less. That was a lot of money back then. However, a little bitter about Celta, I have always complained in vain about the vehicle, which is brave and does not let me down, despite the almost 70,000 km that I have driven with it in less than 2 years. I am very long. And I still don’t have the value for a nice purchase.

Well then. It is through examples like this that I concluded that I could not, when announced as the coach of Internacional, cause hatred “immediately” by Roger Machado. My share of anger can’t shine because I’m too old for that. Apart from that, life sometimes slaps us in the face to stop being stupid. In fact, after some bad luck at the beginning, Professor Roger’s work has proven to be consistent and with useful results: if he doesn’t have the swish Keeping a look that will make others copy his skillful recipes, at least it looks like beans and rice done well, a pinch of time here and there and with a tasty meat that is very easy to eat.

Slowly, Inter football has made us want more. We see triangles, well-planned games and goals in the last games that involve movements that only real training can improve. Both in Caxias and yesterday in Gigante, the ball went into the net after they played from foot to foot. How nice to see the team actually playing Breton sport.

I swapped the Celta for the Gol G5 and it’s one of the biggest disappointments I’ve had with a vehicle. It didn’t stay with me for long and I never drove a VW again. What also depressed me was having to know that I got rid of Celta out of spite, because I wanted another one and I kept it, which is what I could have. Some time later, to correct my own mistake, I went there and bought a new Celta again. Maybe our president thinks that what he always wants for our football, in short, will not be possible. It needs to be more practical and objective.

The truth is that a Celta has the ability to take me or anyone else to the same places as any other car. And who knows, Roger Machado can still put us in the same position as any other famous coach.

In the end, everything is a matter of fate. And if ours is to be a champion with the Professor, I will be ready.


– Professor Roger Machado seems to have found a game plan and some strategic differences. The spirit of humility that you do not stick to one way is commendable;

– A great victory against an opponent with a very consistent performance;

– I have already said about Gabriel Mercado and despite his age I think he still has wood to burn;

– The professor said that he has been trying to correct Bernabei’s position to avoid defensive loads. If he succeeds, he will put the little boy in his national team;

– When the goal is scored, Anthony runs, the ball goes out. In general, he has credit, however, and something tells me that his way will be Europe;

– Valencia scored a goal there and the time has come to disenchant here too;

– We often concede a goal in stoppage time, like yesterday. The difference now is that we are no longer shaken. There is probably a great deal of love in this and D’Alessandro’s participation now;

– I know that even the last ones share the opinion here. But you are a winner and no one can take that away from you. And for my part, I always want to be on the side of winners!


What fate still has in store for us in 2024?

Fate must take us all to Gigante da Beira Rio in the next game, Nação Colorada!



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