Tips to avoid sports injuries on the beach

by time news

2023-07-19 09:05:58

Use sun protection, always warm up before training, take care of our posture when swimming… These are some of the recommendations that the experts of the Professional Council of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid (CPFCM) offer to avoid sports injuries on the beach.

He Professional College of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid (CPFCM) warns against vacation time injuriesespecially in the beach sports.

They advise acting with caution, especially those people who are active in summerbut sedentary the rest of the year.

“When we are on the beach there are activities and sports within our reach that do not require great physical preparation, which is why many people throw themselves into playing them. But they forget to be prudent to avoid an injury that could spoil their vacations”, he recalls. Paul Herrera, Vice Dean of the CPFCM.

basic measures

In addition to different concrete recommendations, the physiotherapists of the CPFCM they wanted to offer three basic measures that we must always respect to avoid possible injuries.

First of all, professionals remember that one must moderate activity, progressively advancing as you earn physical form. They advise that those who do not practice sports on a daily basis should not force themselves to suddenly run or swim several kilometers, or play games for hours on the beach.

He pre exercise warm up is the best ally to avoid injuries, since activates muscles and joints. It also raises body temperature and prepares the body for exertion, as well as increases heart rate. On the other hand, it is important work strength and endurance.

“Invisible” Training

In addition to preparing physically with races and training, physiotherapists warn of the importance of continuing to keep our body in good condition with other fundamental guidelines. Thus, one must have a correct sleep routinea constant hydration and a necessary rest between workouts.

Drinking water is essential in times of high temperatures. EFE/ Gustavo Amador

In addition to these general tips, experts have noted some of the most common sports practices on the beach. For this reason, they have developed some specific recommendations on team sports, running and swimming.

Complete and team sports

Practices like the Beach volleyball or the beach-tennis they are sports very complete and common in the holiday season.

Between his benefitswe find cardiovascular improvements y an increase in physical strength.

Los continuous displacements and jumps that occur in these sports, which have the addition that they are carried out in the Beach sandconsiderably increase the muscular strength of the lower limbs of the bodyespecially in those people who practice them regular way.

Precautions must be taken when doing sports in summer. EFE/Kai Forsterling

Choose the floor and footwear well

It can be tempting to run on the beach with the barefootbut the professionals they do not recommend it. As it is an irregular terrain, this practice can overload the Achilles tendon and provoke plantar fasciitisas well as lumbar problems, sprains, shin splints (better known as “shin splints”) or even overcharge bills.

They warn that it is preferable to do it for the shore when the tide has gone, because the sand is wet and harder in that area.

On the other hand, it is of great importance choose the footwear wellit is much better to use sports shoes or type sandals trekking to wear flip flops

In addition, to avoid injuries on the beach, we must remember the importance of heating previous. To run we must perform dynamic stretches (lunges forward, side steps, trot, heels to buttocks) and joint mobilization exercises (foot, ankle, hip and spine).

It is preferable to run with sports even on the beach. EFE/Javier Etxezarreta

dips and swimming

The CPFCM professionals remember the importance of swimming, beyond the dips that we can take on the beach.

This sport is one of the most complete physical exercisessince it implies a overall muscle action and a great work of strength. Between his big benefits, reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems and overweight.

to finish with a false myth about swimming, Paul Herrera remember that there is no single technique for everyone, but it depends on each person and their situation.

Some examples he gives are the following:

low back pain: Must be avoid breaststroke and butterflydue to forced lumbar extension. Swimming front crawl or backstroke is recommended.

Dolor cervical: Avoid breaststroke and butterflysince the head is kept in extension.

Shoulder pain: It is recommended to avoid swimming front crawl and backstroke. Lo it will be better to swim breaststrokesince it causes less impact on the affected area.

Knee pain: Must be avoid swimming breaststroke, since the kick that is given forces a greater effort at the joint level. He other styles are compatible and recommended.

Finally, heat protection

In addition to avoiding injuries on the beach, we must take heat precautions.

It’s fundamental constantly hydrate, avoid overexertion in the central hours of the day, replenish salts with the drink at the end of practicing sport and protect yourself from the sun’s rays using sunscreen y covering the head with hats and caps.

It is essential to use sun protection. EFE/Paco Paredes
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