Tips to Combat a Long-Lasting Cold and Boost Your Immune System | 24vita

by time news

2024-02-29 12:23:00

  • 24vita
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    If cold symptoms last longer than four weeks, you should not ignore them and strengthen your immune system. Some tips can help.

    As a rule, a cold is over after a few days and the runny nose, cough and hoarseness disappear. However, if the symptoms last longer than ten days or if the cold keeps coming back, this could possibly be an indication of a weakened immune system. However, with a few tips you can combat a long-lasting cold.

    Cold: If a runny nose doesn’t go away – what you can do about it

    In some people, a cold can persist for more than four weeks after an initial infection. What you can do with “Long Cold”. © Joseffson/IMAGO

    There are cases where a cold lasts much longer than the usual week or two. Scientists from Queen Mary University of London have also found this out. In her in the specialist magazine The Lancet Published study showed that some people suffer from long-lasting symptoms after an acute respiratory infection (e.g. cold, flu, pneumonia). The typical symptoms such as coughing, stomach pain, scratchy throat, exhaustion or diarrhea continued for more than four weeks after the initial infection.

    A significant factor in the risk of being affected by long-term symptoms appeared to be the severity of an illness. Accordingly, the so-called “Long Cold” behaves similarly to Long Covid. However, researchers have not yet clarified whether the symptoms have the same severity or duration as Long Covid and what the exact causes are. What is certain, however, is that the immune system plays an important role when it comes to defending against pathogens such as cold viruses.

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    Fight colds and strengthen your immune system: five tips

    One of the biggest risk factors for a cold is a weakened immune system. Lack of sleep, stress, unhealthy diet, obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption, among other things, can weaken the body’s immune system. If a cold has broken out, fever-reducing medications and painkillers from the pharmacy can at least provide relief. You should also support your immune system with the following tips:

    • drink a lot
    • eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables
    • ensure sufficient sleep
    • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
    • Avoid stress and ensure periods of rest

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    This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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