To buy a home, you now need 89,000 euros of contribution

by time news

2023-06-26 13:17:20

Becoming an owner, a dream now inaccessible for the French. The proof in one figure: 89,422 euros. This is the maddening sum that you must take out of your pocket, on average, to hope to obtain a mortgage, according to Century 21. Which represents nearly 35% (!) of the average price of a real estate purchase (houses and apartments ) In France. This personal contribution is 61% higher than a year ago and 259% higher than 2 years ago. A time when this contribution only weighed 10% of the price. But not everyone is able to achieve this extra effort.

Many buyers prefer to wait for prices to fall further, at the risk of seeing their borrowing capacity melt away because of the rise in rates. Others, no doubt in a hurry, had to make a concession: cut back. Since the beginning of the year, the French, who plan to acquire a home, have seen the surface they want to buy, drop by 5 m², on average, according to Meilleurtaux. Or the equivalent of a kitchen. A height! Large surfaces were, in fact, popular a few months ago. “The post-Covid period was the praise of large spaces, until the pressure on prices ended up forcing households to give up several m² to be able to carry out their project.“, decrypts Charles Marinakis, president of Century 21.

The surge in personal contributions is the consequence of that of credit rates – from 1% to nearly 4% in 18 months – and of a fall in prices which is not sufficient. “For the market to pick up again, prices would have to drop by 10% to 12% depending on the territory.says Charles Marinakis. Some even mention the figure of 20%, which is equivalent to the decline in household real estate purchasing power, since the rise in credit rates. For the time being, we are very far from it. In France, prices are even increasing for houses (+0.9% between the first half of 2022 and 2023, to 2,636 euros per m²), according to Century 21 and are only falling by 1.7% for apartments (to 4,198 euros m²).

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