To defeat the murderous government of Boluarte, a true National Worker and Popular Strike is needed

by time news

Castillo’s fall generated a response legitimate of the poorest and most forgotten peasant and popular sectors in Peru, mainly because they saw on a giant screen how the right-wing and the corrupt Congress, which attacked the government from day one, stayed in the Palace and with this they buried all the expectations of change they had deposited in Castillo.

By PST-Peru / Editorial de Bandera Socialista

Even more so if these attacks, orchestrated by the right wing and the mainstream press, exuded class hatred towards the government that the poor people considered theirs, even when Castillo did not fulfill any of his promises and ended up involved in corruption scandals.

The response of the new Boluarte government hand in hand with this unpresentable Congress was to declare state of emergency and put bullets to crush the fight, which today has become a true rebellion popular.

And is not for less. The sectors in struggle today carry 58 muertos that describes the massacre with which Boluarte responds, who clings to the presidential chair to the satisfaction of the right wing that demands a strong hand to face the rebellion, even if it means burning all his chips before giving in to popular demands.

The deployment to the capital of immense popular and peasant contingents using their small resources, the tireless struggle that is repeated every day in the interior of the country and that in Lima produces confrontations, and like the solidarity with which they sustain themselves, they are heroic, because they are facing a government that has declared war on them; therefore there is no going back, even knowing that each day could leave more pain and suffering and the possibility of losing more lives.

The university youth and popular sectors of the icons of Lima begin to enter the scene. They see in the Boluarte government an attack on democratic freedoms, as was the abusive intervention in San Marcos, and against the government’s discourse that labels those who fight as terrorists and violent to justify the deaths.

And although the workers participate in the mobilizations, the most organized in unions and federations are still far from playing a leading role. The main reason is due to role disorganizer and accomplice played by the left and the union bureaucracies, who support, but do not decide to place themselves at the head of the fight.

First they played the role of the Castillo government’s van, camouflaging the working class with the government, losing the opportunity to organize the mobilization of the workers to start our demands; as a result, the right wing occupied the streets and ended up empowering itself to later give the final blow to the Castillo government.

And before the rise of the Boluarte government positioned in the role of defending “institutionality and the rule of law”, and they gave it legitimacy.

In this frame, Boluarte responds to the popular struggle with blood and fire, with a working class still out of the scene due to the confusion and distrust that its current leaders, such as the leadership of the CGTP and the so-called leftist parties, which today cling to their parliamentary seats.

Only the pressure of the stark popular struggle and after the massacre with which this government responded, the leadership of the CGTP called a National strike. The strike did not go beyond being a national day of protest. Later he called two mobilizations, undoubtedly important and necessary. But all this is done from a call from solidaritywhen what is needed is for the working class to place itself at the head of the people’s struggle.

February 9 another National Strike

Now the CGTP announces the call for a new National Popular Civic Strike for February 9.

Given this, we must say that, although important and fair, its implementation is in the hands of the leadership of the CGTP. effective.

What we really need is for the working class to take the lead in the fight with a true National Strike combative to paralyze the mines and industry, affecting business profits, and to paralyze the State and the activity of all those who advocate the massacre of the people.

Only with this determined action, as our parents and grandparents did in the National Strike of the July 19, 1977 that threw out the military dictatorship of that time, we will be able to defeat the criminal government of Boluarte and Congress supported by the armed forces and FFPP.

Must place to the leaders of the centrals and federations that comply with guaranteeing this task. And it must be taken by the grassroots leaders more aware and combative. It is time to put our assemblies on their feet and discuss in each workplace the need to make a forceful National Strike to guarantee the victory of the current struggle.

It will depend on our action and conviction to find a way out of this crisis in this way. An exit that allows the working class and the people in struggle to decide the destiny of our country.

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