To fight against CPF fraud, the moncompteformation site adopts France Connect +

by time news

As of Tuesday, October 25, users of the site will have to go through the France Connect + authentication service to buy new training courses. A turn of the screw that makes it possible to add additional verification of the identity of site users: France Connect + is a version launched in 2021 of the France Connect online identity service offering strong authentication, based on at least two factors , for the most sensitive services.

While France Connect provides access to online services by reusing access credentials to other administrative services, France Connect + offers more secure authentication through an approved supplier. This device, which makes it possible to connect to more than 1,400 public services already covered by France Connect, was optional for the moment. This is the first time it has been made mandatory on a portal.

For the time being, only one provider allows you to connect via France Connect +: La Poste digital identity, which allows you to use strong authentication based on a username/password pair and a smartphone application. to verify the identity of the user. For users who do not have a smartphone or who do not wish to use the La Poste service, a dedicated form will be set up in the “Help” section of the site, which will allow them to subscribe to training without going through France Connect +.

Support system in post offices

A user support system will also be deployed in post offices, to enable users to “verify their identity online, at the post office or at home by making an appointment with their postman”, details the interministerial digital directorate (Dinum) which oversees the system. It specifies that if La Poste’s digital identity is the only approved supplier for the moment, others should be supported in the future.

This technical choice makes the National Federation of Training Organizations for Local Elected Officials (FNOFEL) cringe, which deplores in a press release “a unilateral change” forcing elected officials to submit to a “incomprehensible authentication system”, unsuited to the needs of local elected officials. The federation regrets a new stage in the forced digitization imposed by the Caisse des dépôts et des consignations – which has managed the site since the beginning of 2022 –, to the detriment of elected officials and organizations dedicated to their training.

Fraudsters obtain the victim’s CPF account identifiers (…) to register the victim for fake training (…) and recover the sums from the account

This strengthening of identity checks on the platform aims to better combat personal training account (CPF) scams, which have become particularly frequent since the transition from the individual right to training (DIF) to the CPF in 2019. type of scams, scammers obtain the victim’s CPF account credentials, most often by posing as service representatives on the phone, and then exploit this access to enroll the victim in bogus or shoddy trainings and thus recover the sums present on the account.

Reinforced controls in 2022

In 2021, the organization for the fight against financial fraud Tracfin thus estimated at 43.2 million euros in 2021 the total concerning declarations for suspicion of fraud at the CPF, against only 7.8 million euros for the year. 2020. The deployment of new controls during the year 2022 nevertheless seems to be bearing fruit: as explained by the Caisse des dépôts, the number of reports of attempted fraud at the CPF during the year 2022 has increased from 8 207 in January 2022 to 4,123 in August. A substantially equal trend on the platform: on this platform, the number of reports of Internet users who are victims of CPF account fraud has dropped considerably since June after a peak in January, explains Jean-Jacques Latour, director of cybersecurity expertise at the platform.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The CPF, a hunting ground for crooks

Parliamentarians are studying a bill aimed at prohibiting any commercial prospecting of holders of a personal training account

In parallel with this technical measure, parliamentarians are studying a bill aimed at prohibiting any commercial prospecting of holders of a personal training account, by telephone, e-mail or social networks. This text, approved by the National Assembly on October 7, provides in particular for punishing the organizations responsible for this type of canvassing with a fine of up to 75,000 euros for a natural person or 375,000 euros for a legal person. The text must now be validated by the Senate before its promulgation.

Other more general measures have also been taken to combat scams. Since January, organizations wishing to offer training on the platform must, for example, have the Qualiopi label, which ensures a minimum level of quality in the content of the training. At the level of France Connect, connection to the tax site using France Connect and Ameli identifiers was deactivated in September in the face of an upsurge in fraud attempts. Caisse des dépôts specifies that it also uses artificial intelligence tools to detect fraud preventively, and to carry out checks with training providers according to reports.

Read also: FranceConnect: the connection button with Ameli partially disabled after security problems

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