“To get out of an addiction, you have to find your dream and hang on to it,” says comedian Doully

by time news

Every day, a personality invites herself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Today, comedian and actress, Doully. From February 21, 2023, she will perform her show, “Hier j’stop”, at the European in Paris while being on tour throughout France.

Doully is a comedian and actress. Her scratchy voice says a lot about her life, which has been a real obstacle course. She tried a lot of drugs, to the point of falling into addiction. After three cardiac arrests linked to overdoses, she decided to get back into the ring and do battle with her demons. She went through a weaning program and it used words as an outlet. She begins with the comic monologue in the evenings First time by Yacine Belhousse and since 2020, Doully replaces Jules-Edouard Moustic at the presentation of the show Groland on Canal + while being a columnist at France Inter. From February 21, 2023, she will perform her show, Yesterday I quitat the European in Paris while being on tour throughout France.

franceinfo: Has the scene become an almost vital driving force?

Doully : Yeah, I think that’s one of the things that helped me out because I always wanted to do this job. I think that when you can’t get out of something, you have to have a little dream and stick to it.

It means that the words quickly filled the blank pages. Which is a nice revenge too, since you have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and you couldn’t catch your leaf when you were little.

Yes. You don’t have pliers when you have this disease, you can’t hold a pen like normal people.

Isn’t this all a nice revenge?

It’s nice, it’s fun. It’s really nice and then it’s also nice to be able to pass on this little message of hope to those who are struggling and who can’t manage to get out of it, drugs or any addiction for that matter, you have to cling to a little dream. To get out of an addiction, you have to find your dream and hold on to it.

What did you dream of as a child?

To that ! In fact, I wanted to be a cabinetmaker, it’s nonsense! But very quickly, I wanted to do this.

You are on stage for Yesterday I quit. You tell your story, always with this humor, often shattering, because you tell us real scenes of life, real moments when you have often suffered. This humor is a shell, a weapon too?

In life in general, you have to see the derisive side of the moment because otherwise you’ll shoot yourself.

Some think it’s like my psychoanalysis on stage: not at all. It is something to assume completely for a very long time. On the other hand, yes, to send a little message, it’s nice. And then it’s a crazy outlet to laugh at your life, especially to laugh at yourself. I think this job helped me a lot because it was like a dream to really do it and get a lot of messages across. It’s not easy to talk about heroin to Mr. Everybody. It took me a while to make them laugh on it. It’s really a word that shocks all the more when you’re a girl, it’s associated with prostitution, with lots of stuff! You could very well be a heroin junky and never have been in prostitution, stolen or lied. The only lie I told was not to say I was taking it.

Thanks to you, many manage to talk about it today because you have broken down this notion of taboo. It touches you when someone comes to see you at the end of a show or when someone writes to you saying: “Thanks to you, I’m getting by” ?

Yes, that means a lot to me. It touches me enormously, but sincerely, really. Because moreover in many centers of junkies, they make you believe that you will remain all your life with substitutes, which is completely false. You can very well say: no, it’s good. It’s you who decides, it’s not a doctor, it’s not your body for that matter, it’s your brain that decides that: “No it’s finished“And suddenly, yes, it touches me a lot.

Where does this strength come from?

I do not know at all.

You are aware all the same that you have a strength that is not given to everyone?

Not really. No, I don’t really have self-awareness.

We don’t realize how difficult it is to get out of such a powerful addiction with all these drugs…

Yes yes. And for all that, I sincerely think that when you’re really fed up with something… When there are junkies who write to me, I tell them the little keys I got. Afterwards, of course, there are so many factors that come into play. How do you view your addiction? How do you see your future? The people around you are also very important.

How did you manage to get out of it? Was there a withdrawal?

Yes, I have made several. But the one that really worked was in Israel. I went to see a doctor in Israel. It was my grandmother who found this guy. The story is very pretty. At first, the guy didn’t want to take me because in fact, I had already set foot in Israel and he didn’t have my medical file. And when he saw it, he said, ” Wow, but no! Not at all, that person is already dead! She’s going to die tonight, tomorrow, well, I don’t want to be responsible for that!“He received me in his office. I don’t know what we said to each other, of course, I couldn’t remember, but when he came out, he said: ” God asked me to save her“. So I’m not the most religious person, but it’s still something that pisses me off because he didn’t know me and I can say that this man really saved my life. .

Is it actually a nice revenge on life itself to say that all is not over for all those who are at the bottom of the hole?

Nothing is ever screwed up.

Never. It’s never done until you say, ” Amen” on his grave. You must never say: ” That’s fucked up“.

Doully will therefore be at the European in Paris from February 21, 2023 to May 20, March 10 and 11 in Besançon, March 22 in Toulouse, March 31 in Boulogne-Billancourt, May 10 in Pacé, etc.

The Drugs Info Service website is here and the telephone: 0800 23 13 13.

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