“To guarantee access to care for all, we refuse the increase in medical deductibles”

by time news

2023-10-14 06:10:05

While the French are more than ever in distress to access local care within reasonable timeframes, to find a treating doctor or even a specialist who does not charge excess fees, and are facing shortages of medicines, the government is aggravating an already highly tense situation.

After the reduction in reimbursement for dental care, it is now the fixed contributions on consultations and the deductibles on medicines, which will be doubled, and even extended to medical devices. We, associations representing users of the health system, speak out against this punitive measure!

Indeed, punitive against sick and disabled people, who have no other choice but to seek treatment or resort to medical devices, and who already suffer the greatest health outlays, including when they have a long-term illness (ALD) and are supposed to be 100% covered.

A punitive measure

These people, who in fact consume the most care, are the first to be affected by excess fees, deductibles, flat-rate contributions, excessive prices for medical devices, hospital out-of-pocket costs, and everything that does not. is not reimbursed, and yet essential and which escapes social accounts: hygiene costs, transport, dermatological products, vitamins, small medical equipment, etc.). Costs which represent on average, according to our 2019 studymore than 1,000 euros per year and per person.

Punitive, again, against people whose income is at the level of the poverty threshold, but above the ceiling of complementary solidarity health insurance (CSS), or even those who are in great precariousness but who do not have no additional coverage (12% of the poorest people have no additional coverage), who struggle to make ends meet, and who will choose to give up healthcare rather than feed or heat themselves.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Secu” budget: increasing deficit, but the government is delaying the doubling of deductibles

Punitive, always, against all people, all families, who contribute to Social Security, hoping to be taken care of when they need it, and who will see their health care costs increase. Fixed-rate contributions on medical consultations and radiology and biology examinations were created in 2005, and medical deductibles on medicines, transport and paramedical procedures in 2008.

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