“To have you have to produce”

by time news

2023-10-20 20:22:22

To evaluate the progress of the tobacco campaign, cold sowing, as well as the use and control of the land, Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba, arrived in Artemisa as part of the inspection process of this body to the Ministry of Agriculture.

In Alquízar, the also president of the Council of State, visited the Felipe Herrera Asea Basic Cooperative Production Unit (UBPC), with a recognized track record in the production of export wrapper tobacco, capable of achieving yields greater than 340 quintals of aromatic tobacco. plant.

There, Armando Trujillo, president of this productive unit for more than 40 years, explained that for the current campaign (October to December) the cooperative plans to plant 95 hectares of tobacco and about 70 quintals of export layer, for 41% of the total to be planted and income exceeding 127 million pesos.

Likewise, he explained that in addition to the planting of nightshade, the Alquizareña UBPC also has 13 hectares (ha) of cassava, 11 of Santosoma malanga, 23 of beans and banana as an intercrop for land rotation.

Despite the results exhibited by this group of Vanguardia Nacional workers, Esteban Lazo warned about the reluctance and apathy that sometimes threatens productivity. How much more do we have to do so that other experiences like the one seen in Alquízar are replicated throughout the country?

» We have lost a certain level of industriousness. The country has thousands of dozens of caballerias of unproduced land. Having culture, having freedom, having a homeland, these are achievements that need to be taken care of and it is painful that difficulties make us question those achievements. The work of the Revolution must be defended with more production. Bringing more food to people’s tables,” he reiterated.

The member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party, recalled, in the town itself, the exploits of the Gómez brothers, who in another time were able to harvest up to 22 thousand quintals of food in just 10 months. A time in which the country promoted agribusiness as an economic activity that urgently needs to be developed strongly.

Lazo also investigated the social work of the cooperative, the percentage of the workforce represented by women, salaries, among other matters of interest.

His tour of the young province also included visits to the Lázaro Peña Tobacco Collection and Beneficio company, the CPA Héroes de Yaguajay and the CPA Niceto Pérez.

In general terms, he learned that Artemisa plans to reach 510 hectares of cultivation by December 31. For this, the irrigation of seeds in floating trays and root ball tunnels is ensured, with good results in obtaining healthier postures.


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