To increase the care provided to the TB child …

by time news

More than 150,000 children are born with HIV each year, while the number of children being treated for the disease has not increased – Archbishop Nwachukwu

Mary Teresa: Vatican

A UN envoy on welfare said that by treating and caring for children infected with HIV and tuberculosis at an early stage, future generations can make their contribution to humanity and their potential. Mentioned in a meeting.

At the 75th conference of the World Health Organization (WHO), which opened in Geneva on Thursday, May 22, “Peace for Peace, Peace for Well-Being” (May 24); “Treatment of children living with HIV and tuberculosis” (May 25); Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu spoke on behalf of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Catholic Church (May 25) (May 25).

He said that with the availability of drugs globally and in low-income countries to treat AIDS patients, many of them could be seen working with the virus and caring for their families, according to the UN in Geneva. Archbishop Nwachukwu, who serves as the diocesan representative in the offices.

Nevertheless, more than 150,000 children are born with HIV each year, the number of children being treated for the disease does not increase, and one million children die each year from AIDS-related diseases, with tuberculosis being the leading cause of death, with approximately 226,000 children dying from tuberculosis by 2020. Archbishop Nwachukwu also mentioned the details.

Archbishop Nwachukwu said the Covit-19 epidemic had “unexpectedly hampered care and treatment for children and their families, and the Catholic Church’s care for the sick child.”

On Tuesday, May 24, Archbishop Nwachukwu expressed his hope that Pope Francis’ request for effective treatment and renewal of our commitment to fellowship would be fulfilled, and that the Rome Action Plan on Diseases would help the child.

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