To serve the European Union, Macron must prioritize France

by time news

On the evening of April 24, in Brussels, we were “moved”recount The confidential. It’s always touching to see a French leader as committed to the European Union (EU) as Emmanuel Macron, who started his election night with theOde to Joy. The president, who became “moral chef” et “actual chef” of the European Union, will have many reforms to make to help it.

“But if Macron really wants to do Europe a favor, here is what he can do concretely: leave when he leaves, in 2027, a France that is more united, more stable and predictable.” Stitching up his country, with its fragmented political landscape. And above all, above all, insists the Spanish newspaper: leave an heir. Someone capable of representing the center in 2027.

We do not forget that 13 million French people chose Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. And in Brussels, we are enough “nervous” the idea of ​​having a duel between Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen in 2027.

But for the moment, the transmission seems badly engaged: the party of Emmanuel Macron, it is him. As for the management of priorities, fortunately, it can be easier, because the president does not have to choose between his country and the EU: “the two are complementary and dependent on each other”. For Europe, it can therefore “prioritizing France”.

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