To zero place: Rabbi Yoel Pinto holds a lesson in Ashkelon and the masses have arrived Here south

by time news

The eldest son of Rabbi Josiah Pinto holds a lesson at the Shuva Yisrael seminary in the Agamim neighborhood of Ashkelon, and it seems that like his father, he also manages to captivate the masses.

Posted on: 11.3.22 12:49

The Shuva Yisrael synagogue was full this week, crowds of Ashkelon residents crowded there to hear the lesson of Rabbi Yoel Pinto, the eldest son, the 21-year-old son of Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto – leader of the “Shuva Israel” communities in Israel and around the world.

Rabbi Yoel Pinto came to Israel, for a few days, in order to strengthen the dozens of “Shuva Yisrael” study halls scattered throughout the country.

Rabbi Joel Pinto. Photo: Shuva Israel

The audience in a lesson by Rabbi Yoel Pinto.  Photo: Shuva Israel

The audience in a lesson by Rabbi Yoel Pinto. Photo: Shuva Israel

For more than two hours, the young rabbi delivered Divrei Torah and Mussar, a branching campaign linking the matter of the life of Amalek and the holiday of Purim to the virtue of the Book of Deuteronomy written by Moshe Rabbeinu, whose birthday and death occurred this week on 7 Adar.

He also referred to the complex current reality and the war in Ukraine and quoted the sages who say that all the wars in the world come to arouse the people of Israel.

The lesson was broadcast live video to thousands from all over the world. And Rabbi Yoel Pinto is expected to stay in Israel for a number of days during which he will give Torah and strengthening lessons and visit the various yeshivas under the Shuva Yisrael institutions.

The audience in a lesson by Rabbi Yoel Pinto.  Photo: Shuva Israel

The audience in a lesson by Rabbi Yoel Pinto. Photo: Shuva Israel

The audience in a lesson by Rabbi Yoel Pinto.  Photo: Shuva Israel

The audience in a lesson by Rabbi Yoel Pinto. Photo: Shuva Israel

As can be seen there is also a great resemblance between father and son, “he is beloved and righteous, holy of holies, great light, the pillar of the Return of Israel,” he said of his son.

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