today, Diego Ventura, Paco Ureña and Ginés Marín

by time news

2023-05-13 12:35:56

Fourth run of the San Isidro Fair in Las Ventas. Today a mixed celebration is announced, with two bulls from María Guiomar for the bullfighter Diego Ventura and four bulls from Montalvo for the matadors Paco Ureña and Ginés Marín. in A.B.C. we tell you live.


Natural looking at the laying of Ginés Marín to the sixth, who cut off an ear. Photo Square1

Ginés Marín overcomes the disappointment of Montalvo’s bullfight

Montalvo’s bulls were disappointing due to their lack of strength, as well as their race, despite the nobility they displayed. Very little for what was expected. Thanks to the willingness of Ginés Marín against the sixth, the afternoon ended with a good taste for the fans. Wanting is power, and based on good bullfighting, temper and desire, he achieved what few expected as the bullfight was going.

Diego Ventura, for his part, also took an ear, which could have been more if the final shovel had entered the first.


Ear to law for Ginés Marín

Rebujín was the last cartridge of the rancher to amend the afternoon. Ginés Marín offered it to the respectable and began the task with variety and bullfighting. Too bad for the measured forces of the horned man, because the decision of the Extremaduran is unquestionable. He convinces the natural. Long, temperate crutches. He takes everything out of him and manages to lift the job and until the afternoon, when the public is thanking him. Again with the left. He plays with distances and times, and even abandons himself in very bullfighting moments.
Lunge, notice and ear earned by law.


Diego Ventura around the ring after cutting a trophy.  Photo Square1
Diego Ventura around the ring after cutting a trophy. Photo Square1

Ureña’s despair before the fifth

No one liked it, neither the public nor the bullfighters, the fifth of Montalvo, Tomatino by name. The fight passed in a gray tone, without giving Paco Ureña options. He cleaned up Lorca’s, trying the impossible and in the end immersed in general disappointment, which was despair for the right-hander. He risks in the lunge and they thank him.


Ventura, an ear that smelled like Puerta Grande

A good bull, Giraldito, with the iron of Guiomar Cortés de Moura, and the mastery of Diego Ventura combined in a performance full of successes, which at times excited the stands. Everything was on the way to the apotheosis, of a great triumph, but the puncture that preceded an accurate rejonazo left the prize in one ear, which seemed to be a new Puerta Grande for the rejoneador.


Ginés Marín fights the natural to the third.  Photo Square1
Ginés Marín fights the natural to the third. Photo Square1

Paco Ureña por gaoneras in the second of the afternoon.  Photo Square1
Paco Ureña por gaoneras in the second of the afternoon. Photo Square1

Ginés Marín, effort with a bull less

Serious in front, well armed, astifino, the third of Montalvo, Calm of 543 kilos. The first tercios pass without pain or glory. With the crutch, Ginés Marín can barely shine in isolated moments against a bull with good intentions, but which was losing strength until it came to nothing. Back lunge and lying down. Silence is the verdict.


Diego Ventura before the one who opened the afternoon.  Photo Square1
Diego Ventura before the one who opened the afternoon. Photo Square1

Competition in removes of Ureña and Gines Marín

Carabinero, of 577 kilos the second, from Montalvo, charged with nobility before which the matadors were stung in separate removes. Ginés Marín for tight chicuelinas and the replica of Ureña for gaoneras. Good atmosphere before the last third.

Paco Ureña begins with statuary after offering the task to Ortega Cano and Pepín Jiménez, two countrymen, and the first oles sound. Through the right python he is doing it, although the bull is losing gas. Valiant with his left foot enduring stoppages and taking out the crutches one by one. Shadowing low lunge.


Ventura gets the first ovation of the afternoon

Giraldino opens the bullring, weighing 546 kilos, a good bull for ponytails, which was less. Diego Ventura stops him and takes him pinned to the stirrup. Banderillas from power to power, always with the bull as magnetized on the mount. Quiebros, the roses, a two-handed pair. Measured the gentleman, who finishes off with a puncture and a whole scoop. Ovation is the balance.


The bullfighters, in the ring

White handkerchief in the presidential box, bugles and kettledrums, the bailiffs leading the bullfighters. In front Diego Ventura, paired Paco Ureña, dressed in Rioja and gold, and Ginés Marín, in pink and gold, braid the paseíllo. Illusions, desires, fears, uncertainties… Six bulls await, the public of Madrid awaits, which fills the bullring to the brim.


The wind blows less strongly than yesterday

The strong gusty wind that conditioned the future of the third bullfight of the Fair yesterday has abated today and will blow less strongly, according to the weather forecast for this afternoon. Now in Madrid there is a temperature of 22 degrees and the wind will blow for the next few hours between 12 and 30 kilometers per hour, which if gusty can also make bullfighters uncomfortable.


Ventura, Ureña and Marín visit the Puerta Grande in Madrid

The rejoneador Diego Ventura and the right-handers Paco Ureña and Ginés Marín already know the taste of success in the Las Ventas square with the culmination of the start on their shoulders through the Puerta Grande. Ventura is the most accustomed to crossing that long-awaited threshold since he has done it no less than 17 times. After the forced absence due to problems of vetoes and offices in San Isidro last year, Diego Ventura returns to the arena of the capital of Spain in a mixed bullfight with the endorsement of no one surpassed in cutting off five ears and a tail in a single Madrid afternoon . It was June 9, 2018 at the Isidril fair.

Paco Ureña knows what it is to be a winner of San Isidro, in the 2019 cycle he opened the Puerta Grande and in 2022 he opted for a solo afternoon in which things did not quite go well. All in all, his career in Madrid is recognized and his presence is expected by the fans.

Like that of Ginés Marín, who came out on the shoulders of Las Ventas in 2017 and 2021 and arrives at this new appointment with the chair with a resounding triumph at the last Seville Fair.


Carabinero, from Montalvo, first fighting bull on foot this afternoon, for Paco Ureña.  Photo Square1
Carabinero, from Montalvo, first fighting bull on foot this afternoon, for Paco Ureña. Photo Square1

Giraldino from the Guiomar Cortés de Moura ranch will open the afternoon at the hands of the bullfighter Diego Ventura.  Photo Square1
Giraldino from the Guiomar Cortés de Moura ranch will open the afternoon at the hands of the bullfighter Diego Ventura. Photo Square1

Drawn the bulls for the fourth bullfight of San Isidro

The draw for the four Montalvo bulls that Paco Ureña and Ginés Marín will fight has already taken place, and the two of Guiomar Cortés de Moura, destined for the bullfighter Diego Ventura, have been penned.

The fighting order is as follows:

First, Geraldina, a 546-kilo bull, will jump into the arena for the gentleman Diego Ventura.

Carabinero, weighing 577 kilos, is the second, which corresponds to Paco Ureña.

The third, Calm by name and 543 kilos, will be fought by Ginés Marín.

Giraldito, 579 kilos, the fourth, second of the Ventura batch.

Paco Ureña will complete his afternoon in fifth place with Tomatino of 530 kilos.

And the Rebujín bullfight will close, weighing 560 kilos, for Ginés Marín.

The hat for bulldogs belongs to the titular stud farm owned by Guiomar Cortés de Moira, and those for fighting on foot are made by José Vázquez.

#today #Diego #Ventura #Paco #Ureña #Ginés #Marín

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