Today, Friday, Shoshan Purim 2022 in Jerusalem: the events, parties and roadblocks

by time news

Many of the Purim events have already taken place, however today, Friday, Shushan Purim will be held in Safra Square and the traditional Adlaide City Center with performances, street performers and colorful happenings. At the same time, the big annual street party will be held on Agrippa Street. all the details

Posted on: 18.3.22 07:54

After two years of desperate Purim celebrations due to the eruption of the corona, Purim 2022 is festive, joyful and humorous – despite the cold wave that threatened to disrupt the festivities. On Monday, as is well known, the children dressed up in educational institutions and the celebrations continue to this day – Friday, Shushan Purim in Jerusalem, with the main events – the Adlaideh in Safra Square and the city center and the huge street party on Agrippa Street.

Adlaide Jerusalem: Friday, March 18, 14: 00-11: 00 – Safra Square, Ben Yehuda Pedestrian Street and the city center – a central performance on the stage of Safra Square by Sami the Fireman and Lake Bohbot, costume parades in the city center, street artists, music and a fun Purim atmosphere in the best tradition . Admission is free.

Jerusalem’s Great Street Party: Nissim Bachar and Agrippa – Friday, March 18, from 4:00 to 11:00 p.m.

Purim Festival at “Armon”: Friday, 18.3-17.3, the “Barmon” community pub at the Commissioner’s Palace. In the program: activities for children, interior painting booths, and a party.

Purim at the Committee House in Beit Hakerem: Friday, 18.3. In the program – a clown-magician for children, a sensory artist, activities for the whole family, face makeup, a costume contest and a party for all the detectors.

Neighborhood Street Parties: Friday, March 18, 1: 00-10: 00 p.m. In the program – the event includes quite. Jay, street performers, juggling, children’s stage and more. The parties will take place in the Bruria Garden on Ben Gamla Street, on the Ruthi Baram Promenade of the Young Arnona, in the Forest Garden in the Arnona Garden, in Gideon Garden in the Jordan Valley, on Ben Tabai Gonenim Street, on the slopes of Gilo, Yom Tov Assis in Pisgat Zeev, in the Warburg Land in Kiryat Hayovel,


The celebrations, almost needless to say, will be secured by the Jerusalem District Police, which began yesterday (Thursday) with the deployment of forces throughout the city. Hundreds of police officers, border fighters and volunteers are taking part in the Jerusalem Police’s deployment and they will operate on several levels – maintaining public order, security, directing traffic and enforcing it.

“Against the background of the holiday events, the Israel Police will increase security and covert and overt activity, with an emphasis on entertainment centers and major events, and will work to prevent violence and crime in all its forms,” ​​the police said. “Enforcement will also be intensified in licensed businesses, with an emphasis on activities to prevent the sale of alcohol and dangerous toys to minors.”

And of course it is impossible without a traffic update: today, Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Agrippa Street will be closed to traffic from both directions due to the traditional street party at the venue. The police point out that it will be possible to cross only public transportation through Shaare Zedek Street in both directions. Happy holiday Jerusalem.

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