Today is World Rock and Roll Day

by time news

Date of the day

Every year April 13 World Rock and Roll Day is celebrated. However, the event that gave rise to this holiday happened a day earlier. It was April 12, 1954 Bill Haley recorded the song “Rock Around the Clock”, which marked the beginning of a new musical style.

Also on this day

1943 – the message of the Berlin radio sounded about the mass burials of Polish officers found in the Katyn Forest.

1963 — the concert hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic with an organ is open in Minsk.

1981 Yank Bryl was given the title of People’s Writer.

Yanka Bryl

1991 — the Minsk-Mohilyu Archdiocese and the Horaden Diocese were formed.

1992 — the initiative group handed over to the Central Election Commission 446,061 signatures for the referendum on early elections of the Supreme Council of Belarus. But the leadership of the Supreme Soviet ultimately refused to hold a referendum.

2010 – the interim government of Kyrgyzstan deprived Kurmanbek Bakiev untouchability.

2011 Alexander Lukashenko stated that the terrorist attack in the Minsk subway was revealed within a day, the suspected perpetrators Vladislav Kanovalov and Dmitry Kavalyovand detained. In Minsk, but not in all of Belarus, mourning for the victims was announced.

They were born on this day

1743 Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States (1801–1809). Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the American state and the author of the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776.

1871Yury Matulevicha Roman Catholic religious leader of Western Belarus and Lithuania.

1906 Samuel Beckettan Irish playwright, a representative of the theater of the absurd and a Nobel laureate.

In memory

1695 – Jean de Lafontaine, French poet-fighter.

2015 Gunther GrassGerman writer.

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