Today our culture is more connected than ever with the socio-political life of independent Azerbaijan – 2024-02-15 18:57:38

by times news cr

2024-02-15 18:57:38

Today, the development of culture, education, and art in Azerbaijan is going through a serious and responsible stage. His most important and valuable achievement is the formation of a new image of our culture, a new paradigm, a new face representing Azerbaijan as a sovereign independent state, as a modern country with an ancient, rich, diverse and original culture.

The famous opera singer, holder of the “Shohrat”, “Sharaf” and “Istiglal” orders, laureate of the State Prize, professor, head of the department of “Solo singing and opera training” at the Baku Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli (BMA), People’s Artist of Azerbaijan, told Trend about this Khuraman Gasymova, reports Day.Az.

“The years during which we moved towards this were marked by a lot of work carried out in this direction under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the projects implemented on his initiative and aimed at both promoting Azerbaijani culture in the world and its preservation and development.

Events that laid the foundation for festival traditions in our country, which had never happened before, played a big role in this. It has already become a good tradition to hold a number of festivals and competitions, such as the International Mugham Competition, the Gabala International Music Festival, the Uzeyir Hajibeyli International Music Festival, the Bulbul International Vocal Competition, the Gar Garayev Performers Competition, etc. With great joy and pride, today we include in this list the International Festival “Kharybulbul”, which was brought back to life thanks to the liberation from the occupation of our lands, Vagif Poetry Days in the city of Shusha.

Thanks to the projects carried out by the leadership of our country, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Azerbaijan and abroad, the unique Azerbaijani mugham, the beauty and rich history of the Azerbaijani carpet, excellent examples of Azerbaijani crafts, the art of kelagai and much more were revealed to the world. In this regard, one cannot fail to mention programs aimed at preserving and restoring architectural monuments and museums,” noted the People’s Artist of Azerbaijan.

Khuraman Gasimova emphasized that the Nizami Ganjavi International Center was established by decree of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

“The work of the great poet has become an inexhaustible source of inspiration in Azerbaijani art and music. Plots, poetry, philosophy, as well as the image of the poet himself, as we know, served to create a number of outstanding works and to this day are a life-giving spring for figures of Azerbaijani culture,” – she added.

Khuraman Gasimova noted the special role of the state’s cultural policy in the field of supporting students and talented youth.

“Today, all kinds of platforms are being created to realize the creative potential of the younger generation, competitions, advanced training programs, internships, exchange and study experience abroad are held. From the point of view of prospects, this contribution is very valuable, since art is not a “thing in itself” “, its successful development is possible if there are conditions for integration, mutual enrichment, awareness and sensitivity to the current agenda of the modern world and the challenges of the time.

In this regard, I can proudly say that the Azerbaijani vocal school is one of those unconditional areas that is represented on world platforms at the highest level. At the same time, we are not talking about one-time performances or projects, but about the long-term and confident presence of the Azerbaijani segment in world vocals, on the first stages of the world.

We are Mrs. Fidan (prim. – sister Khuraman Gasimova – people’s artist of the USSR, knight of the orders “Shokhrat”, “Sharaf” and “Istiglal”, laureate of the State Prize, professor Fidan Gasimova) We are doing everything possible in this direction. The national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, attached great importance to the development of the Azerbaijani vocal school and the preservation of the best achievements of the vocal classics of Azerbaijan. Today, President Ilham Aliyev has breathed new life into this process, forming a stable basis for further development in the conditions of modern realities. I would like to express my deep gratitude for caring about cultural figures and on my own behalf for the recognition of Fidan Khanum and I’s modest merits, which were noted with state awards. And also special thanks for supporting youth and related projects and programs. Not long ago, a vocal competition and a number of other musical events took place, pleasing with their professional level and the opening of prospects for Azerbaijani music and musicians. We all watched with bated breath the opening in the city of Shusha of the monument to the founder of Azerbaijani professional musical art Uzeyir Hajibeyli, the Bulbul house-museum, and the bust of Molla Panah Vagif. I think that from the perspective of today we cannot yet fully appreciate the full scale of these events, their invaluable significance for the future of Azerbaijani art. Today, our culture is more connected than ever with the socio-political life of independent Azerbaijan. And just as our country occupies a full-fledged, confident place on the world and political arena, so our art is increasingly positioning itself and interacting with the world more and more confidently. There are a lot of interesting achievements ahead, and Fidan Khanum and I will do everything possible to implement them in the field of vocals, for the benefit of our music and culture,” concluded People’s Artist Khuraman Gasymova.

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