Today’s currency exchange rate: November 03 2022

by time news

According to the currency exchange rates published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka today (03-11-2022),

  • The purchase price of one US dollar is 360 rupees 76 percent – the selling price is 371 rupees 56 percent.
  • The purchase price of a pound of sringing is 409 rupees 26 per cent – the selling price is 425 rupees 48 per cent.

  • Buying value of one euro is 352 rupees 00 percent – Selling price is 366 rupees 94 percent

  • The buying price of one Swiss franc was 356 rupees 92 per cent – the selling price was 373 rupees 68 per cent.

  • Buying value of one Canadian dollar is 261 rupees 29 percent – Selling price is 273 rupees 28 percent

  • The purchase price of one Australian dollar is 227 rupees 46 percent – the selling price is 238 rupees 34 percent.

  • The purchase price of one Singapore dollar is 252 rupees 94 percent – the selling price is 263 rupees 64 percent.

  • The buying price of one yen is 2 rupees 42 percent – the selling price is 2 rupees 53 percent.

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