Today’s News, Friday May 5, 2023

by time news

2023-05-05 08:34:20

New shooting in Catalonia, this time in Barcelona and without injuries. There has also been another deadly shooting in Serbia, between today’s top newsFriday May 5.

Deadly shooting in Serbia

At least eight dead and 13 injured in a new deadly shooting in Serbia. The alleged perpetrator of the shots is a 21-year-old man who opened fire from a car with an automatic rifle after an argument with a police officer.

There has also been a shooting in Barcelona, ​​where there are already four detainees and there are no registered injuries.

Coronation of Carlos III

London is ready for the coronation of Carlos III. The city is armored. Security is maximum for this great event in the capital.

Invasion of Ukraine 2022

President Volodimir Zelenski is more threatened than ever. Moscow calls to kill him after the alleged drone attack on the Kremlin. For his part, the president of Ukraine asked the international criminal court for a court to try Vladimir Putin. Everything occurs while the Ukrainian capital suffers the third attack in four days.

election campaign

In a week it officially starts election campaign. Meanwhile, political leaders continue with their agendas full of events. Today the vice president Yolanda Díaz will be known with the unknown of which formations and in which territories they will have her support.

#Todays #News #Friday

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