Today’s news, Saturday, October 7, 2023

by time news

2023-10-07 21:07:29

The surprise attack by Hamas in Israel and Tel-Aviv’s response, the swearing of the flag by Princess Leonor and Pedro Sánchez’s criticism of the Popular Party, among the most notable news today, Saturday, October 7, 2023.

Israel-Gaza War

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sent a clear message to his nation: “We are at war.” This morning the terrorist group Hamas launched thousands of rockets against Israel and its militias have infiltrated, executing civilians and soldiers.

Tel-Aviv’s response has been overwhelming. Missiles have fallen on the Gaza Strip and reservists have been called up. For now, authorities confirm more than 150 dead and more than 900 injured by the Hamas attack.

Princess Leonor swears the flag

Princess Leonor swore the flag this Saturday in the Parade Ground of the General Military Academy (AGM) of Zaragoza along with the 410 newly admitted cadets. The future queen was the first to parade before the national flag to kiss it with the kings as witnesses in the box of honor.

After standing before her, he removed his red feather hat, took two steps, kissed the cloth and resumed his step before the watchful eyes of his parents and the 2,500 people who attended the ceremony, including authorities. and family, who gave him a standing ovation.

Pedro Sánchez charges furiously against the PP from Granada

Pedro Sánchez celebrated the “success” of the European summit before his ranks in Granada. The acting President of the Government has taken advantage of his speech to defend the importance of Spain within the European Union (EU) thanks to the PSOE administration and to strongly attack the Popular Party. He has warned the “prophets of the apocalypse” that “neither Spain sinks nor breaks”, in reference to the discourse of the right in recent weeks.

#Todays #news #Saturday #October

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