Tohar David’s parents: “There was a criminality of the organizers, shocked by the conviction”

by time news

Avraham Vivian David, the parents of Tohar David who died at a nature party about five years ago, spoke this morning (Wednesday) with Anat Davidov and Guy Peleg on 103fm about the party organizers’ conviction for causing her death negligently and recklessly, after refusing to take her to hospital for long hours. The party until she died.

Tohar’s father, Avraham, said of the conviction: “The judge took out 172 pages, we know he did it seriously and did a professional job. We do not underestimate and respect his work. But we know the case between the lines, and between the lines we saw things we expected to be convicted of. To the three defendants equally.

“As for the two defendants the organizers of the party, were equally. One said he had previous cases and told the other to shake him from responsibility. They ran the whole event from start to finish. The organizers had full awareness and they chose to keep the purity. In practice we know the truth. “What was there was murder, death by negligence is not knowledge.”

“Beyond being a father of purity and shocked by any case, I look mentally at what was there. There was a criminality of the organizers, they took advantage of the situation that purity was helpless. Everything was hacked, there was no responsibility. That’s why they said there was a missing girl here. “They are helpless, they guarded her like guard dogs, with physical force they did not let her get out of there, it is a very shocking event. We know the truth. It shocks us to be taken lightly.”

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Mother Vivian added: “All the evidence came to us, the medical student more professional than any other person who was there, was there with purity for at least four hours, her condition deteriorated, she whipped, vomited blood, all systems collapsed for her. He took responsibility and said bring her back to the party The van had already left for the hospital, and if he had gone to the hospital there would not have been this whole story.

“He took full responsibility for the girl, what led to my girl’s death was not necessarily drugs, she did not take drugs. From what we read, there is no exact information that she took drugs but no support was found, this is something that was determined. I do not accept “All the media come and say that she took. Whether she took it or not, she should have been evacuated. I am very angry and angry, and I will fight that we do go to appeal.”

Vivian concluded: “It has no way at all to explain how much I miss, it’s every day all day, her eyes in front of my eyes, very hard. No holidays, not Friday we are used to doing kiddush, very miss. She was also my girlfriend besides my daughter. Very. It’s hard for me, I miss it and there is no end to it, some who try to comfort nothing can comfort me for 5 years. ”

Attorney Boaz Koenig, representing the family, later joined the conversation, bringing their version: “We are a little far from the matter of appeal at the moment. I represent the parents, my heart goes out to them about the sad and unfortunate case and death that was not supposed to happen. Legally, the court analyzed A long, professional and detailed analysis of all the responsibilities and awareness of the three defendants.

“In terms of appeal, we are a guarantor after the verdict. There is also a legal precedent that has not yet been set in Israel, for such an offense a conviction for manslaughter. We will put all the pressure on the prosecution to file the appeal to the Supreme Court.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103fm

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