Tolkien’s Annex: An interview with the creators of the most expensive television series in history

by time news

About a year ago, my son told me that he decided to continue serving in the reserves, even though he could be released after a long combat service that began as a regular in an elite unit whose main activity is in Lebanon, and continued as an officer in the reserves that continues to this very day, and he is already married and the father of three.

About a year ago my son told me that he decided to continue serving in the reserves, even though he could be released after combat service in an elite unit whose main activity is in Lebanon and as a reserve officer to this day, when he is married and the father of three

The truth is that I was very upset. I asked him why, I even got angry. Maybe enough? I was also angry with my country, I thought there was no one for whom. The state is based in the territories, such as those that the IDF accompanies to pray at Joseph’s Tomb, sometimes under fire while putting the soldiers at an insane risk, in what is known as “routine security”, which is nothing more than babysitting settlers and policing missions at the checkpoints in front of the Palestinian population. The country has been captive since 1967 in a security political fixation that has ended in more and more of the same thing.

My son belongs to the handful that the TV reporter in question dealt with, that minority that continues to serve in the reserves, a small percentage that is the donkey of settlers in the territories that raise the IDF down their throats but prefer the nationalist and messianic right in the service of Binyamin Netanyahu who was prime minister in the last century and is still riding our way to sunset. Alongside him are extremists Like Bezalel Smotrich who did a shortened service and Itamar Ben Gabir, the transpriest whom the IDF refused to recruit.

This week the new mandates magnet boasted that he is “handing out Cuba to the soldiers in the field”. A great man has free access to a soldier in the field, another sick woman in the army, all this self-aggrandizement of goal-oriented politicians. Mind engineering, if you will.

“if you want”. What does it remind you of?

A small percentage that is the donkey of settlers in the territories that the IDF is raising by their throats but who are following a nationalist and messianic right in the service of Netanyahu, alongside extremists such as Smotrich who did abbreviated service and Ben Gvir, the transpriest that the IDF refused to recruit

The relationship between the soldier in the field and the settlers he protects is close, it’s an unhealthy relationship that continues unhindered. Settlers host grateful soldiers and talk above their heads with the direct commanders, and not from today. That’s how they got used to it.

The IDF is another way for the settlers to be the masters of the place. They require a strong hand and a bent arm, opening fire rules from them onwards. In events involving Palestinians, it is clear who is against whom and who is with whom. A hand washes a kippah and a kippah shakes another hand.

Then an operational malfunction of the “friendly fire” type occurs, the likes of which occur from time to time, such as the tragic case of the late soldier Natan Fitousi who died at the hands of his comrade, as happened at the beginning of the year to two Nut fighters who were accidentally shot, and as happened before to two Cherry fighters during arrests Near Jenin, and as happens many times over.

And again they will say “an event that should not have happened”, and again they will express condolences, and again “the IDF will investigate points of failure and draw lessons”. Everything will be said, not a single cliché will remain on the ground. But the bitter reality demonstrates once again that the fall of the late soldier Pitosi will not change anything , although it is as clear as the sun at noon that the cause of death is known in advance: a light finger on the trigger in the wild west called Yesha. The results of the investigation into the death of the soldier Pitosi were reported in the news that “the soldier shot from the hip and not through intentions.”

No cliché will remain in the field, but the bitter reality demonstrates once again that the fall of the late soldier Pitosi will not change anything. Although it is clear as day that the cause of death is known in advance: a light finger on the trigger in the wild west called Yesha

This is not fate, it is a result of what is happening on the ground, on the separation fence that separates more equal lives and less equal lives. The degree of sorrow depends on the position of this life on the target board, Palestinian or Israeli.

The death of the Palestinian is expected and usually justified in retrospect. And the death of an Israeli soldier at the hands of his friend is always an operational malfunction. And even a word on a light finger, a word worn but true.

Procedures of opening fire or arresting a suspect in the territories are only a recommendation that no one bothers to implement well, nevertheless a bitter enemy. The IDF fell asleep on guard and the soldier was alone in the field, so any wandering figure is a moving target.

From the hip, not through intentions.

And so it happened that an armed soldier in a guard position on a breached fence, on an unbearably long guard whose end can’t be seen until the end of the service, sees a shadow suspected of being a terrorist, and shoots. from the waist Not through intentions.

An endless security mission, 12 hours in position, is defined by the magic words “combat service”. Soldiers swear to sacrifice their young lives for an activity, any connection between it and combat service is the connection between that combat service and security in the mall, only the equipment is different and the mall has no aura of combat.

This is the activity of the IDF in the IOS Division since the Six Day War. The security of settlements on foreign land promoted by a messianic current that reached center stage.

An endless security mission, 12 hours in position, is defined by the magic words “combat service”. Soldiers swear to sacrifice their lives for an activity that any connection between it and combat service is like between combat service and mall security, with different equipment

The IDF has turned from a defense army for Israel to a settler defense army. A huge army of security guards whose infantry soldiers in the division finish their service in an endless loop of guard duty from the day they are drafted into combat until they are released. And in the middle God will keep. Sometimes he even breaks guard. Don’t ask, Zion.

The IDF has changed for us. Recruits run on Jablaot in the Golani Barracks and at the end chase stone throwers. We spend a week in the field to enter a house in the middle of the night and wake up a family, to stand at a checkpoint and dry off an old Arab or a woman who wants to go to a hospital. For this purpose, a selector in the club will be enough and without breaking a sweat in infantry training.

“The Shadow” was a major and today he is a thinker and compass of the national camp, and Elor Azaria advanced to the position of commentator on Channel 14. He may not be a commentator but on the other hand it is not a channel. On the other hand, this is a winning argument for why my combat is no longer the best, bro.

And to neutralize a terrorist it is not necessary to hold back, shoot.
from the waist Not through intentions.

And it is impossible not to mention the shockwaves that also shake the walls of the soldiers’ houses, the IDF waves. The military radio station rents a room to a large white man. Subsequent items cover the racist that the IDF refused to recruit. The man who overturned Arab stalls in the market is quoted on GLA’s Twitter in the background of his portrait, so that the soldier in the field knows that those convicted of supporting terrorism enter the soldiers’ house through the main door. A broken house before a complete collapse of values.

Two weeks ago there was a war here, for those who remember, and poof, it’s over. The dust from the rockets enveloping Tel Aviv and Gaza has settled so that, until the next round, there will be two drops of destruction from the previous round.

And no one dreams of shaking their petrified heads and calculating a new route and trying to talk to Hamas even between rounds?

Rookies run on jabalats and at the end chase stone throwers. You spend a week in the field to enter a house at night and wake up a family, stand at a checkpoint and dry an old Arab or a pregnant woman. For this purpose, a selector in the club will be enough and without breaking a sweat in infantry training

During Operation Dawn, the government negotiated with the Islamic Jihad, a terrorist organization. Take a minute to think about it. And they agreed on a ceasefire.

I repeat: the State of Israel led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid, wait, let rest on the trial which, thank God, ends this time with Netanyahu and her husband. well, moving on, well, Israel reached agreements with the Islamic Jihad regarding a ceasefire.
But between rounds? God forbid, why who are they and who even wants to talk to them? Ugh, terrorist Arabs.
Only friend F16 will talk to them. And in the meantime, the world is as usual and more may come. from the waist Not through intentions.

And don’t say one day will come.

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