Tomás Case: After a meeting with the prosecution, the lawyer affirms that there is progress and “concrete results” | National

by time news

The lawyer for the Fundación Amparo y Justicia, defender of Tomás Bravo’s mother, affirmed that the prosecution reported progress and “concrete results” in the investigation into the disappearance and death of the minor from Arauco, in the Bío Bío region. Similarly, he maintained that “there are ongoing proceedings.”

The Bío Bío Prosecutor’s Office reported progress in the investigation into the case of Tomas Bravothis through “concrete results” obtained in the expert reports that were pending.

In addition, in what is a change in the family’s position, the grandmother of the victim and sister of the only defendant did not defend Jorge Escobar, she asked for the truth and that whoever is responsible for the crime pays.

“Concrete results” and progress in the Tomás case

The new meeting called by the Bío Bío regional prosecutor, Marcela Cartagena, lasted two hours. In it were present, along with her lawyers, the parents of the missing child found dead last year in the commune of Arauco, Tomás Bravo.

The purpose of the meeting was to report on the status of the investigation and the results obtained with some of the pending expertise. According to the lawyer Alejandro Espinoza of the Fundación Amparo y Justicia, these give hope for the clarification of the case.

“Gave account of concrete results and we left this meeting quite optimistic about the future of this investigation,” he said.

Tomás’ grandmother, Elisa Martínez, also arrived at the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Concepción.

The woman, who turned away from the defense that until now she had made of her brother and the only defendant in the case, He pointed out that he cannot guarantee the innocence of anyonewaiting for justice to identify those responsible.

“Let the truth be known and the person or persons responsible pay and that justice be done as Tomasito deserves,” he said.

“Proceedings in Progress”

Without going into details, attorney Espinoza insisted that there will soon be definitive results for the Prosecutor’s Office to make decisions.

Asked about requests that the Public Ministry has already made in this regard, the professional replied that not for now.

“There are ongoing proceedings which we hope will yield conclusive results in a fairly near term”, he indicated.

Next June 25 will be three months since the last extension of the investigation period, remaining another 90 days, the last ones for the Prosecutor’s Office to decide whether to accuse Jorge Escobar for the murder of his great-nephew or decide not to persevere in the face of a possible lack of tests.

This article describes an ongoing judicial process

There is a possibility that the charges will be dismissed at the end of the investigation, for which The defendant(s) should NOT be considered guilty until the court rules against him.
(Article 04 of the Criminal Procedure Code)

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