Tomorrow.. you can see the planets Jupiter and Venus in the sky of Qatar with the naked eye

by time news

The Qatari Calendar House announced that the giant of the solar system, Jupiter, will meet with Venus in the sky of the State of Qatar, at dawn on Sunday, May 1, 2022, as the angular distance between them during this phenomenon will reach less than half an arc degree.

Dr. Bashir Marzouk, an astronomer expert at the Qatar Calendar House, said that the residents of the State of Qatar will be able to observe and see the two planets Jupiter and Venus together with the naked eye towards the eastern horizon of the sky of the State of Qatar from after the time of the sunrise of all Jupiter and Venus until before the sunrise of tomorrow, Sunday, knowing that the date of their sunrise on the sky Qatar will be at 2:51 am, while the sunrise time for Sunday will be at 4:58 am Doha local time.

While the astronomer Salman bin Jabr bin Muhammad Al Thani confirmed that in the dawn hours of tomorrow, anyone will be able to see the conjunction of Jupiter with Venus in the eastern side of the sky, and added in a post he posted on the social networking site Twitter, “A beautiful astronomical event seen with the naked eye. Because of their brightness, the sunrise of the planets begins at 2:55 am (GMT +3), and we can see them clearly an hour later.”

It is known that the phenomenon of conjugation occurs for the planets of the solar system when one of the planets approaches another planet in the sky in relation to the observer from the surface of the earth, and also occurs between the moon and the planets of the solar system, when the angular distance between the moon and one of the planets decreases with respect to the observer from the surface of the earth, with Emphasizing that this phenomenon is a natural phenomenon and has no effect on the inhabitants of the globe, as non-specialists claim.

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