“Tonight in … Naples”, the debate on Alberto Angela’s documentary rages on social networks

by time news

noon, December 26, 2021 – 08:11

Thousands of favorable comments: «Thank you, you have told the city as it deserves and you have made us forget Gomorrah». There is no shortage of voices out of the chorus: “And the shadows where are they?”. Angela on facebook: “We don’t intend to ignore them, but they must be identified and fought”

from Chiara Marasca

Boom in ratings (4 million 154 thousand viewers, equal to 22.7% share), web ovation, social debate that rages, thousands of favorable comments and a minority of criticisms for the special episode of Alberto Angela “Tonight in Naples” which went on broadcast Saturday night on Rai Uno. “Thank you, you told the city as it deserves and you made us forget Gomorra”, many write on the Facebook profile of the science writer, and the discussion inevitably turns into a dispute between those who defend the storytelling of Naples born from the book by Roberto Saviano and those who instead he applauds Angela’s documentary, which exalted the culture and beauty of the places rather than dwelling on its weaknesses, as he had promised: «Naples is not just its shadows. Naples is above all light. And it is precisely this light that we want it to shine ». Yet, perhaps imagining that someone would criticize a too golden reading of the Neapolitan reality, presenting the episode on Facebook Angela had premised: «Often the news tends to focus on its shadows, which we do not intend to ignore, which must be identified and fought. But Naples is not only this ».

Seen from social media

Among the social comments there are also many authoritative voices, such as that of Paolo Giulierini, director of the Mann, who posted on his facebook profile some images that see Angela at the Archeologico simply writing, “Thanks Alberto”. Someone criticizes some slow passages, “In fact, half an hour of the Bourbon gallery could have been avoided … with more rhythm it could have shown many more beauties”, and there are also some decidedly out-of-the-box comments: “Nice program, but I would say already seen … I would like to see my city told with a more transversal, more aggressive and less complacent eye, in short, more true … otherwise it seems that we have nothing more to tell », writes the musician Marco Zurzolo.

Criticism of Augias’ documentary

In April, Corrado Augias’s episode of Corrado Augias’ Secret Cities had a completely different reception, which was harshly criticized the day after it was broadcast on Rai. A real social riot with the finger pointed at the famous journalist and presenter who, according to many Neapolitans, would have made use and abuse of clichés in telling the city.

December 26, 2021 | 08:11

© Time.News

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