Tool for viticulture and landmark for Zitsa

by time news

2023-10-02 15:42:23

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The Wine Stand, an emblematic project for the Community of Zitsa, as well as for the entire Municipality, was inaugurated by the mayor Michalis Pliakos on Saturday evening.

The Wine Pavilion that was implemented with funding from the cross-border program “Interreg Greece-Albania” and comes to be added to a series of other projects and interventions that lead Zitsa to the next day.
“The Wine Pavilion, in combination with the renovation projects in the square and the market, the sports center, the open-air theater and a series of other interventions in the entire settlement, which we implemented in recent years, are infrastructure projects, which upgrade the quality of life of the residents and at the same time create the conditions for attracting visitors, thus strengthening the local economy”, said M. Pliakos and thanked everyone who believed in the project of the municipal authority and contributed to its successful completion. “The Municipality of Zitsa, a municipality with a tradition in the cultivation of vines, honors the vine-wine tradition of the region and extends a hand of help and cooperation to everyone – vine growers, winemakers, producer associations, agencies, residents – so that we can all claim the share that we corresponds to the strengthening of the primary sector and the development of mild forms of tourism through highlighting the rich wine tourism identity of our country”, he added.
The initiator and creator of the stand, architect, assistant professor of the University of Ioannina, Andreas Nikolovgenis, referred to the important role that architecture can play in highlighting small – mountain settlements by creating landmarks, which can attract the interest of visitors. “Not only Zitsa owes to the mayor, who installed a building, which later and with the contribution of the wineries, to which it is provided as a gift, will be able to act as a pole of attraction for this small but dynamic wine-growing zone. Today architecture owes him and Greek architecture owes him, which was neglected or abused in the hands of indifferent or self-interested politicians and the central government as well as the local government”, noted Mr. Nikolovgenis, who in 2021 received the 1st commendation at the awards of Greek architecture by an international jury for the designs of the wine kiosk in the “first work of a young Greek architect” category.
The development and promotion of wine tourism through the local CLLD/Leader programs of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Program was mentioned by the executive of “Development Continent S.A.” Katerina Karakosta, making special reference to its connection with the continental gastronomy.
The event ended with the awarding of the stand by Elsa Exarchou, the manager of the “Gastronomy bridge”, as well as the producers, from Ioannina and Thesprotia, who presented their products in the stand area.

Andreas NikolovgenisZitsa MunicipalityWine KioskShare0

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