Top 12. An error in a kick, a controversial ruling and that penalty at the end: how Regatas missed a triumph over Hindú

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He Top 12 Many times he does not forgive a mistake in a match outcome. And even less so if there is a multi-champion in front of them, a team that has the job of Hindu, which even with a decimated squad manages to compete thoroughly. In the second match on his return to the top category of Buenos Aires rugby, Bella Vista Regattas He was superior to his rival during several sections of the afternoon, but he took the wrong path and the Elephant did not miss the chance. In the last play in Don Torcuato, Santiago Fernandez stamped the 21-19 final with a penalty, for the first victory of the local team. “We are a team that has to work a lot. There are many kids who have only a few games in the first division and we have to help them take over. “Today we took a step forward,” admitted the fly-half, who missed the first date and he became captain againdue to a blow that Nicolás Amaya suffered.

On an afternoon characterized by bursts of rain and a uncontrollable windRegatas marked his presence from the start and scored with a good maul defined by Pedro García Colinas. The visitor took the initiative and, despite the weather conditions, tried to move the ball, constantly looking for John Cross Corso y Alejo Barrera in the center of the court. But after an exchange of penalties between Santiago Fernández and Mateo Camerlinckx, got out of control. Firstly, with infractions that led to a penalty try and a yellow card to his captain, Enrique Camerkinckx. Then, with a lack of coordination in the marking and a good sequence of passes from Hindú, which ended with a try from Martin Sulam, debutant in the in-goal in his club’s first. “In the Top 12 nobody gives anything away. The focus is on learning game after game and improving,” he highlighted. Marcos Josephone of the most experienced in Regatas, who maintained a solid base after the promotion.

Hindu Triumph Compact

The relegation defined in extremis in 2022 did not collapse the spirit of a club that It has a large mass of players. This Saturday there were seven teams on the senior squad. His time in the first A in 2023 showed that the loss of the category had been just a setback and that the club’s place is the Top 12: of the 26 games last year, won 24, tied one and lost the other (both, when the promotion had already been secured). Scored 1041 points (average of 40 per game) and received 386 (14.8 on average). An overwhelming level that revealed the great differences between the two categories and that allowed him to consolidate an idea. “The intention is to build on that foundation. In the Top 12 you pay dearly for mistakes; Here we are going to have to adjust the details. You give up a penalty and lose the game. We have to continue working on that. Compared to last weekend we took a step forward. Although the result did not happen, we are happy because we grew,” Joseph explained.

In the second half there was a determining factor for Regatas to subdue his opponent for a long time: the entry of the pillar Matthew Trimarco It gave him a leap in quality in the scrum and it was a radical change for the development of the game. The visitor began to gain strength in that formation and forced four penalties, including one reprimand to Franco Diviesti. Although he cornered his rival, he lacked the patience to better define the plays and the temperance to make better decisions. In the second stage he added only by foot Juan Otsubo, the replacement for Mateo Camerlinckx, who left due to a muscle injury. Hindu did not let his guard down and defended well near the rucks.

Francisco Ploder fails to steal the line from Tomás Scallan, from Hindú; Regatas was a thorn in the side for a team that continues to change players but always manages to be very competitive.

That lack of temperance and serenity to close matches cost Regatas dearly in the last two minutes, with the difference in favor on the board. Due to a poor clearance by the Bella Vista team with the foot, Hindú had the last possession in another’s field and got a penalty for an infringement in a ruck, with some controversy: it gave the impression that Valentin Bourse had arrived first and fished the ball lawfully, but Pablo Houghton He did not interpret it that way and awarded a penalty that Fernández, with his experience, did not waste.

With a large turnover of players, and others recovering from injuries, Elefante will try to build day after day to be in the top group, a custom for almost three decades. For its part, on the first day, against Belgrano, and on the second, against Hindú, Regatas gave the message that it is ready to compete strongly. The demanding Top 12 leaves little room for error and the recently promoted team will have to relearn their lessons soon.

Synthesis of Hindu 21 vs. Bella Vista Regattas 19

  • Hindu: Lisandro Rodríguez; Tomás Ahmer, Belisario Agulla A, Baptist Farise and Martin Sulam; Santiago Fernandez (captain) and Lucas Fernandez Miranda; Santino Amaya, Augustine Arburua and Thomas Scallan; John Comolli and Elijah Banach; Nicholas Leiva, Augustin Capurro and John Ignatius Martinez Sosa.
  • Changes: PT, 6 minutes, Franco Diviesti A by Martinez Sosa; ST, 25, Mariano Leiva by Nicholas Leiva, and 34, Benjamin Silveyra by Capurro.
  • Coaches: Nicolás Fernández Miranda, Diego Liberato, Hernán Senillosa and Daniel Diviesti.
  • Bella Vista Regattas: Cruz Camerlinckx; Francisco Pisani, Alejo Barrera, Juan Cruz Corso and Enrique Camerlinckx A (captain); Matthew Camerlinckx and Mark Joseph; Philip Camerlinckx, Francis Ploder and Mark Ferro; Stephen Sciandro and Thomas Sanguinetti; John Manuel Gobet, Peter Garcia Hills and Thomas Barbaccia.
  • Substitutions: PT, 36 minutes, John Otsubo for Matthew Camerlinckx; ST, 14, Matthew Trimarch by Gobet; 23, Peter Vega by Sciandro; 25, Ramiro Moadeb for Corso, and 30, Marcos Camerlinckx for Garcia Colinas and Valentin Bourse for Ferro.
  • Coaches: Santiago Ocampo and Joaquín Fernández Gil.
  • First time: 5 minutes, goal by Matthew Camerlinckx from try by Garcia Colinas (R); 13, Fernandez penalty (H); 18, penalty by Matthew Camerlinckx (R); 28, try-penalty (H), and 34, try of Sulam (H). Admonished: 28, Enrique Camerlinckx (R). Partial result: Hindu 15 vs. Bella Vista Regattas 10.
  • Second time: 4 minutes, penalty from Otsubo (R); 8, Fernández penalty (H); 30, Otsubo penal (R); 38, penalty from Otsubo (R), and 40, penalty from Fernández (H). Cautioned: 21, Diviesti (H), and 29, Agulla (H). Partial result: Hindu 6 vs. Bella Vista Regattas 9.
  • Referee: Pablo Houghton.
  • Basketball court: Hindu.

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