Torah and tradition: the old CEO passed away

by time news

Rabbi Yehoshua Zvi Fishman zt’l, rabbi of the ancient synagogue in Brooklyn and the long-time CEO of ‘Torah and Masora’ in the USA – passed away at the age of 88. His funeral will be held tomorrow morning in Borough Park

Baruch Dayan the truth: Rabbi Yehoshua Zvi Fishman ztzel, who served as the CEO of the ultra-orthodox educational organization ‘Torah and Masora’ for nearly 40 years, passed away in the USA.

The late Rabbi Yehoshua Zvi was devoted entirely to the education of the children of Israel, in addition he devoted all his free time to studying the Torah.

During his tenure as CEO of ‘Torah and Masura’ which was established by Rabbi Shraga Fayvel Mendelovich zt’l, the organization went through a revolution, from an organization that initially cared only for the children of the Kirov, the organization became the largest educational powerhouse in the United States.

Rabbi Fishman was also the rabbi of the oldest Orthodox synagogue in all of Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island, the ‘Beit Yaakov Obeh Shalom’ congregation. Rabbi Fishman devoted decades to the education of the children of Israel, and stood by Torah and Masora with great dedication.

He was very close to the great men of Israel, chief among them the genius of thought Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner ztzal – the author of ‘Fahad Yitzchak’, and the genius Rabbi Aharon Shechter – head of the yeshiva of Rabbi Haim Berlin.

He used to live in the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn and over the years he moved to Flatbush, in recent years he got sick and weakened, and in the last hour he died in the hospital at the age of 88.

His funeral journey left tomorrow, Friday, the eve of Holy Shabbat, Parshat Jethro, at 9:30 am from the funeral home of the Observers of the Religion in Borough Park.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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