TotalEnergies announces a defamation action against Yannick Jadot, for accusing him of being an “accomplice” to “war crimes” in Ukraine

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Yannick Jadot’s repeated attacks against TotalEnergies could soon take a legal turn. The oil giant announced to Agence France-Presse (AFP), Wednesday afternoon, March 23, its intention to “bring a defamation action” against the environmental candidate in the presidential election, for having accused him of being ” partner in crime “ from “war crimes” committed by Russia in Ukraine.

Before “the escalation of the conflict”, the group had announced on Tuesday that it would stop before the end of the year all purchases of Russian petroleum products – but not gas. Previously, TotalEnergies had decided to stop capital contributions to new projects in the country. These decisions, however, do not mean that the group is withdrawing from Russia.

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” It is an insult “

In the morning, the CEO of the French group, Patrick Pouyanné, had declared on RTL that “when Mr. Jadot accuses the 100,000 employees of Total, it’s extremely serious, it’s an insult”. “Mr. Jadot spends his time speaking ill of my business. What I observe is that it lowers him in the polls; he better get on with his campaign and stop insulting us”he judged.

Response from Yannick Jadot on Twitter, a few hours later: “TotalEnergies, supported by E. Macron, makes some concessions but maintains most of its activities in Russia, in full knowledge of the war crimes that they contribute to finance. Yes, it is to be complicit! I call on Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of Total, to debate with me. »

In a statement to AFP, TotalEnergies denounced “unacceptable words”. “To be an “accomplice in war crimes” is to provide direct assistance to a State or a criminal organization that is the perpetrator of the crimes”wrote the band, speaking directly to Yannick Jadot: “Your remarks are particularly serious and unfounded against our company, which does not operate any oil or gas fields in Russia. »

” Human rights “

Denouncing a “insult to integrity” of its teams, TotalEnergies stated that it will continue “its gas purchase operations in Russia to resell it, in particular in Europe for the benefit of European consumers”all “in strict compliance with European Union policy and applicable European sanctions measures”.

Two environmental leaders have stepped up to defend their candidate on social networks. “No procedure will silence environmentalists”, wrote MP Delphine Batho, spokesperson for Yannick Jadot. Referring to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who explicitly spoke out against the cessation of TotalEnergies’ activities in Russia, MEP David Cormandex-number one of Europe ecology-The Greens, added: “Burma, Uganda, Russia, Tanzania: everywhere in the world, Total puts its interests before those of human rights and climate protection. There are those who think “Total should stay in Russia”, and there are environmentalists. »

The World with AFP

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