Tovia Smotrich against negotiations: “They want to castrate the national camp”. His brother the finance minister echoed the message

by time news

Levin reform: Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich shared a tweet this morning (Sunday) written by his brother Tovia against reaching a compromise with the opposition.

“I was in favor of talking and in favor of a compromise,” the brother wrote. “In a certain constellation, I was even ready to stop the legislation. But after last weekend and the words of Barak, Golan and Lapid – not anymore. The reform does not interest them – their goal is to castrate the possibility of the national camp to control the present and the future, which sorts the result of the elections and makes the next elections unnecessary. in the name of democracy”.

As a reminder, former Prime Minister Ehud Barak yesterday called on President Yitzhak Herzog to choose whether he is “in the D9 camp on the High Court or in the Declaration of Independence camp.”

The Chairman of the Constitution Committee, MK Simcha Rotman, will deal this week with the preparation for the first reading of the superseding clause and the ability of the Beget to invalidate ordinary laws of the Knesset as part of the preparation of the law for the first reading.

It was reported in the “Israel Hayom” newspaper that Rothman is expected to propose to the committee to promote an alternative model of softened judicial review. The alternative that Rothman is likely to propose is the so-called British model or softened judicial review.

According to this model, Rothman is willing to consider that the court could declare that an ordinary law of the Knesset contradicts a fundamental law and the law will not be repealed but will return to the Knesset where the MKs can determine whether to leave the law as it is or change the wording or re-enact.

Rothman tends to agree that the declaration that a law contradicts a basic law should only be made by a majority of 5-7 judges. Rothman will also discuss the promotion of the stronger judicial review that was passed last week in a preliminary reading, according to which the court can invalidate ordinary laws of the Knesset by a unanimous majority only, that is, only by a majority of 15 judges from an expanded composition, and also that the Knesset can establish an order superseding an ordinary law by a majority of 61 MKs even if it contradicts a basic law.

He will also discuss the possibility of lowering the number of judges who can strike down an ordinary law with a majority of 13 judges as a compromise between his proposal of 15 and Levin’s proposal which talked about 12 judges.

While the reform laws continue to advance, protests against it are increasing. Last night the police arrested 18 of the protesters against the legal reform who started marching on the Ayalon lanes and confronted the police on the spot. Among other things, a protester who participated in a blockade near the Peace Interchange was arrested after biting a policewoman. Another police officer was bitten by a protester and both officers were evacuated for medical treatment. Several police officers were beaten and treated in the field.

In addition, the police opened an investigation after a document was published in which a reporter on the road in the Ayalon lanes demonstrates the words “Bibi cheater”.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir responded, “The illegal rampage of the demonstrators in Tel Aviv, which includes burning tires on Ayalon roads and spraying an inscription accusing the Prime Minister of Israel of treason, shows that this is a protest by anarchists who are not asking for freedom of expression but freedom of expression. I call on Yair Lapid and my sons Gantz to immediately condemn this anarchist riot and incitement. I instructed the police to act with zero tolerance in the face of violence, incitement and anarchy. Anarchists must not be allowed to set fire to Tel Aviv.”

The leaders of the struggle reacted to Ben Gabir’s words: “Those who were convicted of supporting terrorism and trying to promote a coup d’état should drink a glass of water and calm down. The reservists and pilots are not anarchists. They are the ones who defended the country while he was trying to set it on fire. We will save Israeli democracy.”

Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich responded to the violence on the Ayalon Road, “For much less than that, the police beat the opponents of the deportation from Gush Katif and northern Samaria, girls were sent to detention until the end of the proceedings, your faithful servant spent three weeks in Shin Bet detention in the wing 7 She was arrested in Ashkelon prison with several dozen Hamas terrorists, and five indictments were filed against Shefi Paz and she was sent to house arrest.

This is the false ‘equality’ that the left has created here, and now it says that it is afraid that the right will harm it. The comparison of the discriminatory treatment of the law enforcement systems to the right and left protestors cries out to the heavens and is the best proof of the corruption and rot that has pervaded them and the vital need for our corrective reform. And to be clear, I really support freedom of speech and protest and I really don’t want the system to run over and trample the left-wing protesters like it does to the right-wing protesters, ultra-Orthodox, settlers, Ethiopians and more, but the fact that many good and decent people among the opponents of the reform do not notice this injustice and are unable to be attentive Our cry sucks.”

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