Towards a confrontation? Hundreds of left-wing activists demonstrate near the Eviatar outpost

by time news

Hundreds of left-wing protesters marched today (Friday) towards the Eviatar outpost with Knesset members Yair Golan, Gabi Laski andMusi Raz (Meretz), and Member of Knesset Ofer Kasif (The joint list). The police and the army blocked the demonstrators and did not allow them to continue to march, after they were in advance to the organizers of the demonstration that the IDF would not enable it near the outpost and they will be arrested at an apple junction. Samaria Council Yossi Dagan, who said that “we invite everyone to see the real Samaria”

The left-wing demonstration was organized by the Peace Now, Breaking the Silence, Fighters for Peace, and Komi Israel organizations. As part of this, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz and the other government ministers are demanding the dismantling of the illegal outpost, which is located near the Palestinian village of Beita.

MK Musi Raz He said of the demonstration: “Giving kosher status to the criminal outpost Eviatar is a reward for criminals and rioters. We are proud to be here today with hundreds of Israelis who oppose violence and crime and for peace.”

MK Gabi Laski She said that “together with hundreds of Israeli activists and activists, we came to the occupied territories to say that Eviatar should be evacuated immediately. Anyone who does not evacuate illegal outposts gives them back. The army had evacuation orders for all the illegal outposts. “

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Hello now They said: “Eviatar is an unnecessary crime. We will not stop until the government stops the hijacker and dismantles the outpost. It is unfortunate that the security forces are sabotaging the protest. It seems that Gantz is weak in the face of violent settlers and strong against law-abiding protesters.”

MKs Ofer Kasif and Gabi Laski in a demonstration against the Eviatar outpost (Photo: without credit)

The rest of the organizations said ahead of the demonstration that “the illegal outpost was set up by lawbreakers to establish facts on the ground, sabotage the prospect of peace and drown an entire country in the bloodshed. The Israeli, the end of the occupation and peace with the Palestinians, and not for a small and extreme minority.

“In a government formed on the basis of political status quo agreements, a new and isolated settlement that endangers Israel is a blatant violation of the coalition agreement. We will reach Eviatar to remind all government supporters of the two-state solution that they must keep their word and stop the madness.

Demonstration in front of the Eviatar outpost (Photo: without credit)Demonstration in front of the Eviatar outpost (Photo: without credit)

Meanwhile, a mass prayer was held as well as a rally of solidarity and support of activists and right-wing activists, led by Daniela Weiss, Shefi PazAndAyelet Godfather To identify with the settlers of Eviatar. Weiss, chairman of the Nahala movement, said: “The Israeli government is committed to raising the yeshiva immediately. The settlement exists, and the land survey has long since ended – so there is no reason not to immigrate today. “

Yeshivat Eviatar today holds a series of classes for the general public of great rabbis and public figures, including: Rosh Yeshivat Bnei David, Rabbi of Ali, Rabbi of Rachelim and Rosh Ulpanat Ma’ale Lavona and leaders of the Chumash struggle.

Head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan: “Time and time again, far-left organizations come here to produce provocations on the ground. Two weeks ago, their provocations ended in a serious incident by a left-wing activist who attacked an IDF officer. We stand here with a lot of love for Israel, and invite everyone on the right and left to come here, get out of Twitter and see the real Samaria. “

Samaria Regional Council Chairman Yossi Dagan, Video: Roi Hadi

“We demand that the Israeli government abide by Eviatar’s agreement. I do not suggest to the government to try not to abide by the agreement, to try to deceive this public, because we will ascend to Eviatar. The yeshiva must ascend to Eviatar, the families must ascend to Eviatar, and we will build our country with great love.” .

Sukkot deerThe chairman of the Emunim movement and one of the founders of Eviatar said: At the Tapuach junction, 200 Jews are proud, unapologetic and full of hope. Eviatar will be built without a doubt, whoever is a partner will win. “

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