towards dropping charges of manslaughter?

by time news

2023-09-21 23:36:00

This is information that could greatly change the situation for Pierre Palmade. According to a medical report, the baby of the passenger who was pregnant during the accident died before giving birth. This could lead to the dropping of the manslaughter charges currently against the comedian.

Since Pierre Palmade’s dramatic road accident last February, when the comedian was under the influence of drugs, the question of whether the pregnant woman’s baby, who was in the vehicle hit by the car of the artist, died before or after childbirth, comes back regularly. And for good reason, in French law, a fetus does not have legal personality, unlike a newly born baby.

While the comedian is still indicted for “involuntary manslaughter”, The Parisian revealed, Thursday September 21, 2023, that the child carried by the passenger would not have shown any signs of life at birth. He would therefore have died before giving birth. Information which should call into question the criminal classification of the charges, involuntary manslaughter not being possible for a fetus.

What the medical expertise says

Le Parisien tells us that the medical expertise was carried out by a forensic doctor, a hospital pediatrician and a neonatologist, all three approved by the Court of Cassation. In their report, they estimated that the child was viable at birth, but he showed “no signs of extra-uterine life” after birth. According to these three experts, the child was “the victim of an in utero fetal death whose occurrence can be dated between 9:50 p.m. and 10:10 p.m.”, eight minutes before birth. The cause of death, however, would be linked to a “hemorrhage” caused directly by the accident.

It is now up to the judge to draw his conclusions from the medical expertise and whether or not to drop the charges of manslaughter. However, a second opinion may be requested. If the charges for “manslaughter” are dropped, Pierre Palmade would risk between 5 and 7 years in prison for the sole charge of “unintentional injuries” caused by the accident.

Palmade solely responsible for the accident

In parallel with this medical conclusion, another expert opinion, this time accidentology, was brought to light by Le Parisien this Thursday, September 21. This concluded that the comedian was solely responsible for the accident, which was solely due to human fault. This definitively rules out other hypotheses, such as mechanical liability or the speed of the vehicle. Thus, this report states that the accident was the sole consequence of a sudden change of trajectory made by Pierre Palmade.

Update on the Pierre Palmade affair

On February 10, 2023, Pierre Palmade was involved in a road accident which hit another vehicle and seriously injured three other people: the polytraumatized driver, his 6-year-old son and a pregnant woman, who lost her baby after the accident. . An 80-year-old man, present in a third car, was also slightly injured.

The investigation revealed that Pierre Palmade was responsible for the accident and was driving under the influence of drugs at the time of the accident. He was indicted on February 27, 2023 for “homicide and involuntary injuries resulting in total incapacity for work of more than three months, by driver under the influence of narcotics”, for which he risked up to 10 years in prison. First placed in pre-trial detention, the comedian was released under judicial supervision on March 7, 2023 following a stroke, and made several stays in hospital, notably in the addiction department in Bordeaux.

#dropping #charges #manslaughter

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