Towards Passover: The Ministers of Finance and Agriculture signed an order abolishing customs duties on the import of fish

by time news

Cost of living in Israel: Minister of Finance Avigdor LiebermanAnd the Minister of Agriculture Oded Forer, Announced today (Thursday) that they have signed an order abolishing customs duties on the import of fresh, frozen, processed fish and seafood in order to lower their price. The order includes, among others, the fish: Dennis, Leverkusen, Locust, Tuna and other seafood. In addition, it is estimated that the abolition of customs duties is expected to increase the variety of fish imported into Israel.

Finance Minister Lieberman said: “We continue to work to lower food prices in Israel as part of the fight against the cost of living. This step will lower the prices of fish in Israel and benefit the Israeli consumer. In the near future, we will publish further measures in the food sector.”

Agriculture Minister Forer added: “This is another step in our commitment to the public. A plan to promote and develop local agriculture will also be promoted.”

Although the fish farmers’ organization warns that the abolition of customs duties will not be passed on to the consumer. CEO Eli Sharir said that “the finance policy will lead to a general increase in prices in the present and future fresh fish market in Israel. Just as the reduction in customs duties on fish imports that began in 2016 has not been fully passed on to the consumer, so the reduction in customs duties will not now lead to a reduction in the price. “

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