Toxic thyroid Don’t think that you are far away. The doctor can point to anyone. Ready to reveal the risk before it’s late.

by time news

Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 6:00 a.m.

News of the famous artist’s death recently. would make us hear the name “Thyroid poisoning” more often, but many people still think. “It’s not a common disease. Maybe we’re fine.” But did you know that? Thyroid poisoning is a condition that can happen to all of us! Many people may have had friends or family members who have been diagnosed with the disease. But the thyroid is toxic. It is another disease that people still may not understand what it is from. how dangerous or who is at risk of this disease?

Dr. Parinya Samakkrai, internist, physician specializing in diabetes and endocrinology Wimut Hospital provides information that thyroid is not a common disease that we can treat ourselves. If we have any suspicious symptoms The only thing you can do and need to do right away is to see a specialist. Perform a thyroid test to find the cause and treat it based on the cause only.

So what is toxic thyroid? “Simply, the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. Or the thyroid gland is inflamed, so the thyroid hormone secretion is abnormally high. which may be caused by heredity People who have family members with thyroid are at increased risk of this disease. Another factor is autoimmune, in which the body produces certain substances that stimulate the thyroid to produce more hormones. In conclusion, this disease is a disorder of the body. which we cannot control And like I said, this disease can be treated by anyone, but it can be cured as well.”

Despite the main causes above, statistics show that women are at a higher risk of developing autoimmune thyroiditis, or Graves’ Disease, than men and can occur at any age. This fact makes every woman need to check herself more.

For people who do not know if they have hypothyroidism or not. Ph.D. gave advice on how to check the symptoms briefly that because thyroid hormones are involved in metabolic processes in the body heartbeat body temperature Therefore, we can observe 5 primary symptoms that may indicate thyroid disease: 1) palpitations, irregular heartbeats, 2) trembling hands, sweating easily, 3) irritability. More sensitive than normal people 4) weight loss, diarrhea or irregular menstruation in women and 5) abnormal thyroid gland.

“Fortunately, we now have Smart Watches or Smart Bands that can monitor your heart rate. If we have palpitations or a very high heart rate. is higher than the 90-120 range. Some people may be as high as 150 continuously. Along with the other symptoms mentioned, it’s a pretty clear warning sign that you need to see a doctor to get your thyroid checked. or in some cases the thyroid gland grows into abnormal nodules may have to do ultrasound to see what caused it.”

However, the thyroid is actually toxic. considered to be a group of symptoms It depends on the diagnosis of what underlying disease the patient has, so the risk of death depends on how quickly we observe ourselves and detect symptoms. The mortality rate will be much lower. If we leave it until the symptoms become more severe The function of the heart is so poor that it can lead to heart failure. Or some groups will develop severe hepatitis and result in death.

Another thing to be aware of is If thyroid toxicity occurs in an elderly patient over 60 years of age, all of the symptoms may be unclear. sweat easily The patient may have a heart attack or a serious condition. Therefore, the elderly who have abnormal symptoms must come to check immediately.

“Technology to treat thyroid toxicity has advanced a lot. It can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on what is caused by thyroid poisoning. for the treatment of diabetes centers Endocrinology and weight control Wimut Hospital. If the symptoms are less, the doctor will just give you medicine. Which many people take medicine for about a year and a half, it can be cured or swallowing minerals to destroy the thyroid gland that produces high normal production of hormones. or in some cases the treatment with the first two methods is ineffective. Your thyroid gland may need to be surgically removed. which at present is relatively high security It is important to know early when the symptoms are mild. The easier it will be to treat it.”

when you know that Toxic thyroid It is a disease that cannot be cured, a disease that is dangerous to the point of panic. Just need to be aware and careful to observe yourself. can be detected from the beginning If there are symptoms associated with to see a doctor And if detected, it will be easy to treat and heal quickly. The important thing is to see a specialist. Especially internists, endocrinologists, thyroid glands will make the treatment most effective for patients.

More information or a consultation You can contact the Center for Diabetes, Thyroid, Endocrinology and Weight Management. Wimut Hospital Tel.02-0790070 See the website for more details. or follow news Via Facebook page: Instagram: vimut_hospital Line: @vimuthospital TikTok: @vimuthospital Youtube :

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